Page 40 of Her Dark Past

“How do you know that? Did I tell you?” I couldn’t quite believe it. When I liked someone, I tended to be rather jealous and possessive. I wanted my men to be mine.

“Not exactly. It was more that... you liked to watch them together.”

Togeth... Oh!” I felt myself go red in the face as he grinned at me. An image flashed through my mind of Zayn kneeling between my legs as someone stood behind him, running his hands along Zayn’s back... I blinked.

“And I told you that?” I queried, horrified at the idea that I used to tell West my fantasies.

He laughed. “No, my queen. I was there at the time.”

The blush worsened as I stared at him. “You were there when Zayn and Sadiq and I...?”

A strange look came over West’s face. He leaned forward and clutched my hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss each fingertip. Tingles ran through my fingers as he did so, and he kept his ice-blue eyes fixed on mine. “I was. I was there many, many times when we all loved you.”

“All of you? Zayn and Sadiq and you...” My breath caught as he slipped the tip of one finger into his mouth and sucked gently.

“All of us. And Wesley and others too. Your memories are starting to come back, don’t you remember?”

I couldn’t stop staring at him, but as soon as I tried to think back, a wave of images and sensations swept over me—hands, fingers, tongues, lips, cocks, and skin. I gasped, snatching my hand back from West.

“Holy shit.”

He smiled. “As I said, you liked to watch and share and to command.”

I swallowed, trying not to imagine myself with the four men, maybe even a fifth. Though I might try imagining later when I was in bed alone.

“But if Sadiq cared so much for Zayn and for all of us, why would he betray us by trying to poison me?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

It worked. West leaned back against the sofa. “I don’t know. It’s unusual that he’s not here, like I said, because he’s typically close by. But then again, he may have been close by the whole time but working against us.”

“But I don’t understand why.”

West shrugged. “Maybe after last time, he just wanted to be free of the curse.”

I sat up straight. “What curse?”

“Well, not a curse, I just meant the constant being reborn and fighting against your enemies thing. Maybe he’s just tired of it.”

There was something in his voice that made me go cold.“And he thinks if he kills me or helps someone else do it, it might free him from this curse?”

West nodded. “Maybe. It’s all I can think of.”

I looked down at the ground. “Are you tired of it?” I asked in a quiet voice. “Is that why you hate me so much? Because I cursed you to an eternity of being stuck with me?”

“What?” West stood up and looked down at me. “Is that really what you think?”

“I... Well, kind of.”

He reached down and took my hand, pulling me up as he towered over me and looked into my eyes.

“My lady, don’t you ever, ever believe that I would change a thing about my life. I swore my complete devotion to you for eternity thousands of years ago, and not for a second have I ever regretted it.”

His eyes burned into mine, shifting from blue to gold, and I looked down. “I just... You seem to hate me, or at the least barely tolerate me. I know I’m a handful, but I’m trying.”

He gave a frustrated sigh, and his big hands cupped my face, forcing me to look up at him. “You drive me insane with fear and worry. I never know when you’re going to do something rash and stupid that gets you into trouble, and if I lost you again like last time, I could never forgive myself. I can’t face the idea of losing you, of letting you down again.”

“If you feel this way, why do you treat me the way you do?” I queried, covering his hands with my own. I held his gaze, letting him see how much it hurt me, and he looked away.

“I can’t... I can’t protect you if I’m distracted. It’s what happened last time, and it didn’t end well for any of us. It was my fault, and I won’t risk it happening again.”