Page 33 of Her Dark Past

He swallowed. “Not until she tells me she’s okay to stay with you.”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I replied, moving towards him.

“Well, it kind of is. She’s my friend, and even if she weren’t, I’m not leaving a woman who’s been drinking and clearly under the influence of... something else... in a house with two random guys unless she tells me she’s okay with it.”

I stopped. He was looking out for her, that was all. I softened towards him and nodded in her direction. “Go ahead, go ask her.”

He watched me nervously as he stepped around me and walked over the sofa, dropping to his knees in front of her. He murmured something, and she opened her eyes. They spoke softly for a moment, and she reached out, touching the back of his hand with a reassuring gesture. He nodded and stood up, coming back over to me.

“Well then, that’s fine. I just wanted to be sure, you know? Too many creeps out there, like those guys in the bar. I wouldn’t have wanted to come after you if you’d hurt her.”

I raised my eyebrows, and he gave me a nervous grin and backed away, nearly knocking a vase off the console table behind him.

“Oh, shit, sorry.” He straightened it then whistled and bent to check it out. I swear, friend of Tory’s or not, if he whistled again, I was going to take my sock off and ram it down his throat. That sound pierced my head like a fucking dart. I tapped the screen a few times, booking him the next available taxi to take him back into London.

“Coffee?” I asked.

“Oh, wow, great. Thanks.”

I rolled my eyes and headed into the kitchen section to make it. I was in desperate need of some myself. Usually Tory’s blood would give me an energy high, but whatever she’d been dosed with was definitely affecting me too.

Three cups of strong coffee and an uncomfortably long silence later, the taxi arrived and the guy finally left.

Jack visibly collapsed onto the sofa near Tory. “Fuck.”

“Yeah, there’s something about that guy.” I sipped my fourth cup, watching the door he had just left through.

“You’d say that about any guy who looked in her direction,” Jack pointed out.

“Mmm,” I hummed, not agreeing but not exactly disagreeing either.

A noise came from the bundle on the sofa. Jack had found a blanket to cover her with and taken off her boots, but I needed to get her into a proper bed, preferably with a glass of water down her so she could sleep it off.

I stumbled over to her, my movements feeling more and more heavy. “Tory, Tory, wake up.”

“No,” she grumbled from under the blanket.

“Tory, you need to go to bed,” I insisted, pulling the blanket off her. She shrieked as the cold air hit her bare legs, and I winced at the sound.

“Hey, West, you okay?” Jack caught my shoulder, and I blinked at him, trying to bring his face into focus.

“Yeah, she just needs to go to bed.”

“Oh, fuck off,” she muttered.

I grew angry, and my head spun as I leaned down and grabbed her arm, pulling her up off the sofa until she was standing.

“Just fucking do what I say,” I mumbled.

“I did,” she snapped at me. “I went to the damn bar like Jack told me, and I still got in trouble. S’not always my fault, you... wanker.”

“It was your fault,” I retorted. Okay, I was probably yelling because she took a step backwards. “Go to a bar and get a drink, not try to fuck everyone there and then get into a fight and try to rip someone’s fucking throat out.”

“You’re a dickhead, you know that? What was I supposed to do, let the guy put his fucking hand in my panties? Whatever you seem to think of me, I wasn’t about to let some random guy fuck me in the middle of a bar.”

“Why not? You let the little posh boy do it in the hotel,” I sneered, swaying on my feet, my jealousy bursting out in full force.

“Whoa, guys, let’s leave this until morning, hey?” Jack pushed between us, but I wasn’t in the mood.