Page 30 of Her Dark Past

I looked back down and the snake was gone. “What the fuck?” I asked. Alcohol had never affected me this way, had I been drugged? Or was there something more supernatural at play?

“Hey, sweetheart, this guy bothering you?” The idiot from before was sauntering over, a few of his friends following behind for good measure. I blinked hard. His face seemed to distort, giving him slanted black eyes and a muzzle like a dog.

“No, I’m fine...” I looked around, praying I’d see Jack or even West in the crowd. Something wasn’t right, and it was freaking me out.

Jabari pushed in front of me. He appeared to have snakes for arms, and I bit down on my lip, trying to look away.

It’s not real, it’s not real, I told myself, holding on to the bar to keep me steady.

“Hey, man, she really doesn’t need you right now. Just go have another drink.”

“Fuck you, you foreign wanker, she needs help. You’ve given her something.”

“I didn’t—” Jabari’s words were cut short as the guy shoved him out of the way, stepping towards me.

“Hey, sweetheart, you took something fun tonight, huh? Wanna let me have some? We can have fun together.” He slid his hand up my skirt, his fingers sliding underneath my underwear.

“Fuck yeah, Cam, get your fingers in there,” jeered one of the guys backing him up. I tried to back away, but I was right up against the bar. I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him away, but he was too strong.

“Get off me,” I demanded as he pressed his body against mine to pin me in place.

“Shh, we can have a little fun right here—” Suddenly he disappeared, and I heard a loud crack as Jabari’s fist connected with his face.

I sucked in a breath, trying to stand up as the tosser’s friends came to join in. One went straight for Jabari, but he ducked. He didn’t see the third who reached for an empty glass on the bar and swung it at Jabari’s head. There was a smash, and glass rained down everywhere.

“Jabari!” Blood trickled from a wound in his temple. It wasn’t deep, but it looked nasty. The guy still held the bottom half of the glass.

“Fuck off out of the way!” He swung the glass at Jabari, who somehow managed to block it and turn it on his attacker. I gasped as the glass sliced through his neck.

Luckily it didn’t hit a major artery, but I stood transfixed as blood began to trickle from the wound. The guy stood less than two feet from me, and I felt the hunger surge inside me as the scent of his blood reached me. My fangs lengthened and sharpened. The rest of the bar disappeared, and I leaped forward, bringing both of us crashing to the ground. I sat astride him, and he laughed briefly, his smile fading quickly as I bared my teeth and lunged at his throat.



Itwasabsolutepandemoniumwhen we arrived at the bar. The place was packed, and it looked like a bar fight had broken out. I looked over at Jack. “Why is there always chaos wherever she goes?”

“Oh, come on, that’s a bit much,” he replied, pulling the door shut behind him. “I hardly think she started a bar fight.”

I turned around, just in time to see the crowd part slightly, revealing Tory on the floor in the middle of the fight sitting astride some loser. She stared down at him and growled, baring her sharp teeth. In a split second, she went for him, dropping down like an eagle to take her prey.

“Fuck!” I lunged forward, shoving people out of the way. I grabbed Tory around the waist, lifting her off the guy who kicked his way along the floor, trying to get away from her.

“Bitch fucking bit me!” he yelled. I threw Tory over my shoulder where she hissed and fought, hammering her little fists on my back. With her developing strength, it actually hurt more than you’d think, but I ignored her. I turned to Jack who was staring at Tory, his mouth hanging open.

“Don’t just stand there, Davenport. Let’s get out of here before someone sees something they shouldn’t.”

Davenport nodded and turned towards the door, shoving people out of the way, and we forced our way through the crowd.

“Wait, wait!” A youngish guy followed us, sticking close all the way to the door. I prayed he didn’t see the blood dripping from Tory’s mouth. As we reached the door, Davenport turned round and headed him off.

“Look, man, we’ll pay for the damages.”

“I’m not—I’m with her!”

I turned and looked him up and down, searching for any priest energy coming off him. There was nothing. “No, you’re not,” I told him, and turned back around.

“Take her phone then, she left it on the bar,” he said, passing it to Davenport.