Page 2 of Her Dark Priests

I had finished the first glass of champagne and swapped it for a second by the time I reached the fireplace. My cousin, Lady Harriet Hawke, stood chatting with her fiancé, Viscount Claremont. She was radiant in emerald green silk, and her fiery hair was set in an ornate updo. I assumed the emeralds set in gold at her throat and in her ears were gifts from her fiancé, as I hadn’t seen them before. She caught sight of me and stepped forward before remembering herself and dipping into a quick curtsy. The viscount bowed as well, and I returned the curtsy but was barely upright again before Hattie threw her arms around me.

“Tory, I haven’t seen you in forever! Tell me, how was London? I’m desperate to go back for some retail therapy, but Mother says we’ll go down in September when we start planning the wedding.”

She released me, but before I could answer, the viscount took my hand and kissed it briefly.

“Lovely to see you, Tory. You look fabulous, as always. May I pass on my congratulations?”

I sighed. “Teddy, nothing is official yet. He hasn’t even asked me. And who knows?” I said, feeling rebellious. “I might not even say yes!”

Teddy laughed. “Well, that would take the gossip away from Lord Hangley being discovered in an amorous embrace with his butler.” He turned and kissed Hattie on the cheek. “I’ll go mingle and let you two catch up. Tory.” He bowed briefly to me and left us together. I downed the rest of the champagne and wondered if I could stand to drink another before dinner was served without getting noticeably tipsy, which would be extremely bad form at such an event.

I looked over at Hattie, who was watching me like a hawk. “So how’s medical school?” I asked cheerily.

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, you know, up to my elbows in the innards of corpses. Now, what’s up with you? You aren’t really thinking of turning Jasper down, are you?” She lowered her voice, and I sighed.

“No, not really. Probably. It’s just...” I trailed off, struggling to put my feelings into words. An expensive private education meant nothing in a world where you were not encouraged to discuss feelings over duty.

“You had a torrid affair in London, and you’re thinking of eloping?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.


“I’m kidding. Seriously though, Tor, what’s going on? I thought you liked Jasper.”

“I do. He’s... nice enough. It’s just... It’s moving way too fast. I’m only twenty-three, I just graduated last year. I had plans, ideas. I wanted to travel, explore, and have some adventures before my life ends.”

Hattie rolled her eyes. “Tory, don’t be so dramatic. Your life is not ending just because you’re getting engaged. You can still travel and have adventures. Take Jasper with you, put some fun and spontaneity into his life. He might love it as much as you do.”

I shook my head. “Trust me, he has no desire for any of that. I suggested travelling, and he mentioned a private villa in Italy we could ‘pop to’ for a couple of weeks. He thinks riding a couple of miles in a different direction from their country estate is going on an adventure. I’m just... I’m only twenty-three. I’m too damn young to get married, Hattie.” I reached out and snagged another glass from a passing footman, but I didn’t take a drink straightaway, swirling the golden liquid around the glass and watching the bubbles pop.

“Hey, I’m only twenty-one, and Teddy and I have been engaged since last year.”

I raised my eyebrows. “You and Teddy have been a couple for five years, and everyone can see you’re completely obsessed with each other. It’s different with Jasper and me. He’s just so proper and perfect, and I feel like I don’t really know him.”

Hattie took a sip of her own champagne. “I know he’s very well-behaved in public, but I assumed he was different in private.”

I shrugged. “Nope, all politeness and duty. I mean, he’s pleasant and charming and handsome...”

“Very handsome,” Hattie inserted. “I bet with all that polo he plays, he’s got stamina like a horse too!” She grinned at me, and I blushed.

“I wouldn’t know,” I said quietly. “We’ve never...” Hattie’s mouth fell open.


I shook my head. “He’s kissed me, and we’ve had some pretty steamy moments, but nothing I wouldn’t have done when I was sixteen. It’s like he’s scared to touch me or something.”

“Oh, that’s not good.” She looked up at me in alarm. “He could be terrible in bed! And you’d be stuck with him forever!”

I laughed, though I wasn’t really feeling that amused. “He had enough experience before we were together. I think we would have heard rumours if he was terrible.”

“Well, see, that’s what I thought. He was a proper ladies’ man before he started seeing you, and since then...”

“Since then, he’s been on his absolute best behaviour. I really can’t fault him,” I replied, taking a long drink.

“No, even Teddy said Jasper was a changed man since meeting you. I assumed you were taking care of his every need, so to speak.”

“Nope,” I murmured. “Definitely no needs being taken care of. Not for a long time. Oh God,” I said in horror, a disturbing thought suddenly occurring to me. “You don’t think he thinks I’m a virgin, do you?”

Hattie laughed. “Well, if he does, he’s going to get a nasty shock on your wedding night.”