Page 24 of His True Beloved

“Sorry, I was in deep thought.” He chuckled, running his hand through his hair. I took a large gulp of my now cold drink.

“It’s all right. You’ve been through a lot.” He propped his arms up on the table. His shoulders were muscular, but not overly. He had that slim athletic build that I really like. Really the opposite of Wyatt.

Damn it, don’t ruin this.

“How are things with your family? Did you get to talk to your mom?” he asked.

Ugh, problems with living in a close-knit community. Everyone knows everyone’s business.

Sebastian’s eyes were brighter today, his appearance much more put together than I remembered. Even his white dress shirt rolled up to the forearms was neatly done. That heavenly musky scent from my dream poured onto the table and wrapped around my neck.

Oh, good god.

“They are great, thank you,” I muttered. “Mom is doing better. I think the blood lust is settling. She has trouble…” I gulped. “Eating?” I worded it like a question.

“It’s hard.” Sebastian nodded. His eyes never left me as he spoke. He was digging deeper inside me. That funny pull I felt in my dream was happening all over again. “I remember when I went through my first blood fever. I was petrified at a young age.”

“How long has it been since your blood lust?” I slightly prodded. He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chest. My lips parted, seeing the hint of dark hair on his chest.

“I’m five hundred and sixty-two. I was eighteen when I went through my lust,” he said without a beat. I would say I was shocked, but hell, I just met a werewolf, Mom is a vampire, and now Sebastian is as old as dirt. He chuckled. “Does that bother you?”

“Nope,” I pressed my fingers to my lips thoughtfully. “You’re older than my stepdad. I find it kind of funny for some reason.”

Yeah, because you are being pervy with the vampire sitting across from you, and he has no idea.

Chapter 12



It was intoxicating.

My fangs dripped venom as I watched her from afar. The small amount of lurking I did throughout the morning was relatively easy. She stayed in the coffee shop the entire time and made a friend who was a werewolf. It seemed she was drawing enough supernatural attention to her, and it wasn’t bothering her in the slightest.

I had talked myself up to enter the shop, even daring to buy a cup of coffee from the wolf. Her eyes didn’t even flutter in recognition as I dropped the change into the tip jar. “Enjoy!” she chirped. She reminded me much of Suron. They would either be the best of friends or the worst enemies with their cheerfulness.

As I walked over, the arousal around her table had me stiffen. She was drawing intently on her tablet screen. Suron was kind enough to give me a run down last night on the latest technology.

Her small tongue separated her lips ever so slightly. Her messy hair bun left small tendrils of curl around her face. She wore a tight red cotton shirt with black leather leggings. Again, my fangs dripped with anticipation.

She looks absolutely stunning.

And she is mine.

Now, what the hell was she looking at? Vampires in the corner snickered. They could smell her arousal, and she had no damn idea. I glared in their direction. They stilled. Being much younger than me caused them to bow their heads and avert their eyes. Being much older, stronger, and more experienced would give them a disadvantage if I fought for my beloved’s honor. At least some of these Earth vampires understood what a vampire hierarchy was.

The oldest overpowered the youngest unless they were of a royal bloodline.

I continued to glare. They slowly got the hint and threw their computers in their bags. I lifted my lip to show a fang as they scattered out the door. Clearing my throat opened the collar wider on my dress shirt. It was getting obscenely warm in here. Since my heart started beating and being brutally aware of Christine’s strong scent could do that.

Could she not feel the heat?

“Christine?” I smiled, coming closer, but she still didn’t look up. I growled in frustration. She couldn’t feel the bond at all. She must have just miraculously decided to look at the door last night. Again, getting my hopes up over this ‘onion’ of a woman. Letting out another ragged breath, I said her name louder, “Christine?”

And that was when she dropped the tablet. It flicked off so quickly I didn’t get a great look, but it was obviously a picture of a man.
