Page 92 of His True Beloved

This will never get old.

“I-I’m not drunk. I had no alcohol.” She wobbled on her feet. Catching her before she fell, she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Hold me.” she nipped at my ear.

“Christine, you drank too much of my blood because I let you go far too long without eating. If you drink too much, it will give you the feeling of being drunk, but no worries, it will pass in time. Now, let’s get you back to the house and clean you up.”

Christine groaned but straightened herself out quickly as I held her waist. Pamela and her mate were long gone, and I was happy that I didn’t have to see two naked werewolves cuddling in the forest. Something about seeing another man’s appendage didn’t sit well with me.

“Oh, I’ve forgotten to take my birth control.” She giggled, covering her mouth. My lips parted, darting my head to my beloved. During the past week, it never came to mind that she could become pregnant. Especially since so many changes were happening to her body, getting pregnant was damn near impossible. It still didn’t settle well with me. As much as I would love to have children with her, the thought of a fangling coming into the picture right now damn near terrified me.

Not to mention the dream she had about helping the Kingdom of Vermillion more than I could have ever imagined. A simple merchant and his beloved helping to regrow an entire nation. Sweat beaded on my brow as I thought of something going horribly wrong.

What if she is pregnant?

Not that it would be a terrible thing, but hell, I needed to be prepared. The gods were doing strange things around Bergarian. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if she was in fact, pregnant.

Christine giggled at my side, her fangs shining brightly as she threw her head back to laugh. Her giggles became roars of laughter until we hit the sunlight at the forest’s edge. Her laughter stopped, squinting her eyes to catch hold of my gaze.

“You acted like I told you I was pregnant.” She hummed, pulling her arm away from me. “I’m not and can’t be. I’ve got an implant along with the pills I take. Helps with the bleeding.” She hummed, poking at her stomach. “It’s an IUD, I had terrible periods growing up, and it was the best thing I ever stuck in me.”


“Kidding!” Christine snorted, grabbing my arm again to lean on. “You are the best thing to have in me.”

Gods help me.

“I’m not sure what an IUD is, Christine, but I’m guessing it prevents pregnancy?” Christine nodded, explaining the barbaric way they inserted a device into her womb. My grip tightened on her, the jealousy I had of some male inserting a device that would prevent me from having my seed impregnate her.

What is wrong with me?

Just a minute ago, I was worried I would have my offspring too early, not planned and calculated for the best time, and here I am getting upset for my beloved taking care of it all.

“It needs to be removed,” I stated with no emotion. Christine perked up her head as we approached the back door of the coven house.

“But why? That way, we can have a baby when we are ready and don’t have to worry about me taking birth control pills.” She stuck out her tongue in disgust. “I’ve got terrible hormones, and I’ll get all cranky. Besides, Bergarian doesn’t have a pharmacy, so I can’t pick up my medication.” Christine tripped going up the patio steps, but I caught her gracefully and leaned her body back in an elaborate dip.

“It is the male’s job to keep from impregnating a female in my realm.” I kissed her nose. “Besides, at any moment we decide to have a fangling, I don’t want that shit to get in the way.” I growled playfully in her ear.

Christine’s thighs tightened, the top half of her body going limp as I leaned in to dominate her mouth.

“There you are!” Suron burst through the doors. “And thanks the gods for that too, because we have a situation.” He panted.

“You are always near the fun, aren’t you, Suron?!” Christine hung her head back, her blonde hair tickling the brick patio. “Like all the fun stuff!”

More like interrupting the fun stuff.

Christine twirled her fingers around in the air until I pulled her upright.

“Drank too much?” Suron asked as he raised a brow. “Didn’t think a vampire of your caliber would let that happen.” I flipped Suron my middle finger, and he mocked hurt.

“Anyway.” He waved his hand, disregarding the whole ordeal. “There is this guy up front demanding to see Vanessa and Christine. I’m guessing it’s your ‘sperm donor’.” He eyed Christine.

“Oh, shiz.” Christine perked up, sobering herself. “Is Mom around? She shouldn’t be around for this,” she whispered.

“Too late,” Suron sang. “Vanessa is hiding in a guest room until you arrive.” He hooked his thumb behind him. “Everyone is waiting on you guys to come back before we do the big confrontation. And let me tell you”—Suron wiggled his eyebrows—“this is going to be one hell of a show Pamela is going to wish she didn’t miss.”

Christine and I groaned at the same time as we walked into the house.

We passed by a mirror in the hallway. Christine tried combing her hair with her fingers to make her look more presentable. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t do much good because she definitely had the ‘I just made love on the forest floor’ look. I smirked, straightening the collar of my bloodied shirt. My fingers ran through my hair, and Christine gazed up at me with worried eyes.