Page 26 of His True Beloved

“Not at all.” I leaned on the table, taking in her scent. Thankfully, her arousal faded enough for my own cock to settle, but the coolness in her eyes had me entranced once again. “Would you like to have dinner with me?”

I couldn’t help but be forward with her. I had already lost my first mate by this time in the courting. My need to claim her was becoming too strong. I needed to feed and fill my stomach with blood so I did not feel tempted to push her to the wall and nibble on that delicate skin.

“W-what?” She laughed breathlessly. “I can’t do that, you have a mate somewhere if you want to believe that sort of thing, and I don’t want to be led on only for—”

“Shh, hey now.” I brushed a lock of hair from her face. Her body stiffened, but she didn’t pull away. “We go as friends, learn about each other. I’m new here, just like you. Maybe I need some friends.” I winked. “I, too, know of loss.” I gave a frown. Her pleading eyes had her begging for more answers.

“Loss?” Her breath was but a whisper.

“If you come to dinner with me, I’ll explain more by what I mean.” I went to rise from the table, but she stared from her seated position. “I’ll pick you up at seven.” Her mouth dropped open to speak, but I walked out of the coffee shop before she could say a word.

I didn’t stop when I left. I continued at a hurried pace into the woods that surrounded the town. It would be perfect for hunting as twilight was close.

Pulling off my dress shirt and shoes, I laid them on a nearby branch. Filling my lungs with the wild air, I caught the scent of a buck nearby. My feet pounded into the forest’s soft pine needles, and my heart thrummed.

Filling my body with blood would keep me from the temptation to pierce Christine’s soft skin. But it wouldn’t keep me away from ravaging her body. I was going to take it a step further, make her body scream with need as she continued to fight with herself to let me in.

I’m going to have her want me like I want her.

Chapter 13


“Wouldyouhavedinnerwith me?”

Sebastian’s words echoed through my head as I tried to get ready. Those smooth words of confidence had me pooling in my hot pink panties.

As soon as Sebastian closed the coffee shop door, Pamela was already back in her official claimed the seat, where she had spent time with me all day. Her chin lay propped up on her hands, her eyelashes blinking with excitement. Her purple hair was now twisted into two space buns on the top of her head.

“You are so going.” She circled her finger around my face until she popped me on my nose. “You better be going anyway.” She looked at the door and back at me. “The chemistry between the two of you was so stifling, I had male customers shuffling their cocks in their pants.”

I gasped at her words, but they indeed broke the shock of having a vampire that asked me out. A vampire I should very well stay away from, especially since he had a mate somewhere. I couldn’t do the whole casual thing. It wasn’t in my cards. I wanted something serious, just like I thought Wyatt was.

And look how well that turned out.

Getting my heart broken again isn’t an option.

Pamela continued to point out how the chemistry was there, the undeniable charge of electricity between us, and I didn’t doubt her, not one bit, because I felt it. When he touched my hand, the warmth, the tingling of want, went straight to all the lady parts that didn’t need to come to life. They were still all wound up over a damn picture I created on the tablet.

I pulled my tablet from my bag and sat on the bed. Turning it on, his face appeared again. Something about him that I couldn’t put my finger on had me wanting more, but I couldn’t, right?

Mates, the vampires, the supernaturals, believed in that sort of thing, and I didn’t. Right?

It was an exciting concept, sure. If they were true, then going to this dinner wouldn’t be wise. Right?I should send a text message to Suron to contact Sebastian because I’m sure he has his number. Suron knew everything about everyone here. That was probably why my family problems were told to Sebastian.

Good thing I don’t tell my parents everything. I snickered.

My phone pinged as soon as I turned on the screen.

Wolfie Friend:You aren’t backing out, right?

I rolled my eyes. Pamela was dead set on me going on this ‘date’, and she had to know the play-by-play how it turned out.

The Doubter:Yes.

I replied stiffly when I hit enter. Who was I kidding? I was curious to see what Sebastian had planned. I needed to find out his deal. Why be friends with a lonely human girl when he could go make friends with some vampires? The vampire-to-human ratio was even. Or he could easily go talk to bleach blonde bimbo, Amber, downstairs.With the tops she wears, I’m sure she is giving some of her breasts out for free.

The phone continued to ping as I went through the closet to find an outfit