Page 18 of His True Beloved

Ashton wasn’t a bad guy. I mean, he was offering me pizza after I flat-out denied hanging out with him and the others. Even if he was to be the douchiest of them all to the vampires. “Come on, we are starting the movie.” Shrugging my shoulders in defeat, they turned on one of the most cliché vampire movies of them all.

The male main character, a vampire, was stalking the poor girl, and I couldn’t help but throw my head back and laugh. The dude was sparkling in the light like some disco ball, and the girl just gawked at him like he was some god. Vampires were everything but gods. They were something more. I don’t know deeper than that. They didn’t hold themselves to a god-like status. Justin showed me that. I mean, he was the one that helped us pack, fill up the gas tank with gas, and held the umbrella for us in the rain when we got caught in a rainstorm as we arrived.

The vampires here didn’t shine in the light, either, though. No, they lived in the shadows. That was how I met Justin, right? Now my mother would be staying out of direct sunlight for the near future. I took another bite of pizza, making sure my overzealous stomach didn’t make my mouth chew too quickly. Don’t need to be biting my cheek and bleeding into my mouth. Then I would be the one drinking blood.


Ashton put his arm around my shoulder, which did not give me any sort of warm fuzzy like Wyatt’s touch.

Good god, get over that loser already.

Maybe Sebastian could touch you and make you forget.


“Do you think their skin is like that?” Ashton tipped his beer as one of the vampires’ heads broke clean off like a statue. The rock-like body tumbled to the ground, and he took another swig of his beer, chuckling. “Because I don’t think they do. I think they could bleed like the rest of us.”

“You mean you don’t know?” I asked incredulously. “With all these books on vampire anatomy laying around the house?” I had already done my research, plus had Justin answering my million dumb questions in the car.

“Do I look like someone that reads?” he smiled.

He had a point. In fact, he had the whole football player, big-headed, little cock syndrome all over him. Too bad he couldn’t take some shot to rid him of that.

“How’s your mom?” he asked.

Ah, shit, he hit me in the heart.

“I’m going to video chat with her tonight. In fact, I’m late.” I stood up to get out of his hold. Yeah, definitely too touchy for me. Not to mention that the gleam in his eye didn’t make me too comfortable.

But if it was Sebastian, I bet it would be comfortable…

Ugh, stop.

“Anytime you want to talk, you know you can talk to me, right?” As he said it, the hint of sadness in his eyes made him look more human than the typical cockiness he radiated.

“Um, thank you. I’ll let you know.” I went to turn away from him, but he whispered under his breath. I paid no mind, not wanting to get too close to anyone here. The longer I stayed, it would get harder to leave.

I just needed to stay for at least a year to ensure Mom was doing fine on her own after her complete transformation. Maybe take a vacation with her and the new stepdad and then leave them be. She would go on to live as an immortal while I would die in the next eighty years.Mom won’t change, but I will.

Denying her happiness would be wrong, but part of me was selfish. Why couldn’t we just be normal, have her find a nice human man to take care of her? But Justin was far from the ordinary human. He was perfect for Mom.

My back thumped on the bed just before my phone buzzed. I immediately pressed accept, sitting up in the bed. Christopher jumped off his cat stand and curled in my lap as my mom’s face came on the screen.

How lame. I have to video chat with my mom who is just down the street.

God, she was beautiful. She had bright red eyes, her hair thick, and that beautiful lighter blonde had her eyes pop all the more. The pink rosy cheeks and her wrinkle-free face had her looking just like me. Mom didn’t look like a mom anymore.We could pass for sisters.

“Chrissy!” She smiled, and as she did, my stomach sank even more. Those two white fangs protruded from her mouth. She frowned as my smile faded. I don’t think I would get used to this.

“I’m sorry.” She covered her mouth. “I’m still trying to figure out how to keep them in.” Justin sat beside her, rubbing her arms.

“She understands.” Justin gave me a look.Shit, I’m being terrible.

“Sorry, Mom, just not used to it, I guess. You look so beautiful. I think we could pass as sisters now,” I joked. Her face brightened, and Justin gave me a wink in appreciation.

“It’s hard, I get it, but I really thank you for being so accepting,” she murmured. “You just don’t understand this bond we have. I really feel complete now, happier than I ever have been.” She sighed dreamily at Justin. His thumb trailed her cheek, and he lovingly stared into her eyes as he kissed her lips.

Yeah, I could see how happy she was. For the first time in years, her smile reached her eyes. I think she was happier than she ever was with the sperm donor.