Sebastian strode into the bedroom, looking at his family. He had never been so proud of his beloved and his son. He never thought he would feel as much love, as much affection, in his entire living days. “Come, they are waiting.” Sebastian extended his arm, taking his beloved by her hand and wrapping it in his. Killian followed beside his parents, giddy inside but on the outside, showing his calm demeanor.
They all stood around the table, along with Vanessa and Justin, as they waited for Christine’s other siblings. They were holding their fourth child, Emerald, who had just reached two years of age. Justin wasn’t kidding. He wanted a large family and was already talking about having another.
Each adult was handed a glass of blood wine by a servant. Killian sipped nervously while his aunt and uncle were to be led into the room, along with the vampire he aspired to be.
Creighton, Christine’s younger brother, walked in first, holding onto his beloved’s arm, Charity. Christine ran up to both, hugging Creighton and his beloved respectfully. “So glad you came! I was worried you would be in labor soon!” Christine glanced at Charity’s enormous womb, ready to have their second child any day now.
“Yes, this one is being a bit stubborn.” Charity giggled. “But who said children were easy, anyway?” Creighton pulled Christine into another hug, kissing her forehead. He towered over Christine’s tall stature, and his bright blonde hair matched that of hers.
“It’s good to be here. I’m glad we didn’t miss our weekly dinner. We still have many more years to catch up, right?” Christine nodded, hugging her brother again. Children now filled the dining room, some being cousins to Christine and the others being more of her own half-siblings. She still saw them as her full-blooded family. Some days Christine didn’t understand how to keep them all straight, and she took note she needed to make a family tree.
Sebastian’s smile grew wide, thinking about adding to their own family once the ruling was finally over. The kingdom was flourishing, so why not have more time with his beloved to create the family he wanted as well?
The room fell silent as Christine’s sister and beloved entered the room. Killian’s smile grew watching the vampire he soon hoped to help him train like him. The assassin silently strode into the room. His back was straight, still donned in his black leather pants and vest. His deep red dress shirt flowed around his arms until it tightened at his wrists. The stern face held nothing but darkness, but the young-looking girl on his arm was nothing but light.
She was small, the smallest in Christine’s family, which they had determined to be as a result of a premature birth. “Hi!” she waved shyly. She had always been more reserved than the rest of the family, meeker and milder, but it was what the assassin needed, this sweet, timid woman.
It took the assassin three months to find the missing siblings. They had been, in fact, sold to a noble family, one with a high regard for human lives. They bought them in order to save them and kept them in their family, and raised them like their own children. The Roland family held high status in Vermillion, and when things took a turn for the worst during the war, they hid in bunkers near the Forbidden Forest to protect Kathryn since she was still human.
The Roland family had one daughter, Charity, who was older than Creighton by three years. As soon as she turned of age to find her beloved, she realized Creighton, her adopted brother was her mate. Her parents told her she had to hide her feelings and sent her away until Creighton turned eighteen. Once they were reunited, sparks flew, and their pairing had been a blessing.
Kathryn, on the other hand, was timid. She didn’t like large spaces; she didn’t feel fully comfortable in a world full of vampires. The Rolands had told her and her brother how they were brought here, essentially to be sold as blood bags, which never settled with her.
Kathryn didn’t fear her rescuers, but she was leery of others. Not fully trusting anyone besides the family that had protected her. She stayed hidden in her room in their large mansion until The Dark War came. The Rolands hid her to protect her from rogues. Her brother Creighton had been adamant they all hide together to keep her safe and comfortable with her fragile personality.
The only problem was that they weren’t sure when the war was over until the day the assassin came banging on the cellar door. His nose had been sharp, and using skills he had gained over the years, once he found their trail, he discovered them quickly.
Kathryn had been petrified of the stoic vampire at first because instead of doing his duty, his promise to uphold the Death Flock’s oath, he stole her away to make sure she would be his. He wasn’t about to let her out of his sight, even if that meant delaying the reuniting of her biological mother.
Kathryn stepped forward, ready to lunge herself at her mother, until the assassin pulled her back. She groaned, and he swatted her butt lightly, letting her know who was in charge. Vanessa and Christine strolled forward, looking at the assassin for permission. He nodded, still keeping one of his fingers entangled with his mate.
“Glad you are here, sissy,” Christine whispered in her ear.
“Me too,” she muttered back.
They were all led to the giant table. They had one more family to wait for, but the aroma of steaks and desserts caught the children’s attention. Each male pulled out a seat for their mate, and each child giggled and bounced in their seat in anticipation until the door opened at the entrance of the dining room.
“They’re here.” Sebastian stood up, stepping away from his chair at the end of the table. He waved them forward as they walked in silently.
Taliyah was hesitant, watching the guards with watchful eyes. This palace was no longer hers. She was considered an outsider even though she helped build every brick without the elders knowing. They would never accept any help from her.
Jasper marched in with his shoulders held back, his hand on his son’s shoulder. Jasper was proud of his son, his mate, and he wouldn’t let some low lives tell him differently. Soon his son would take the throne, and even though they wouldn’t be able to help him rule, to teach him, Sebastian and Christine would.
And he would be forever grateful.
“Cassius.” Christine curtsied before him, lifting her dress. “I’m happy you could make it this week.” Cassius was rigid, his back straight and his long black hair hung at the front of his chest.
“It’s a pleasure.” He bowed, covering his arm over his waist. The entire room was silent, except for the children laughing. They had seen Cassius too many times, each Sunday to be exact, to fear the mask that donned his face. The only place that was not covered was his mouth, still able to speak his low words and fierce commands.
Christine led Cassius to the head of the table, Christine and Sebastian sitting across from each other. They knew the true ruler of Vermillion, and they wanted Cassius to know just that.
“Eat,” Cassius said with no emotion. Taliyah’s smile was tight, but the love in her eyes never left her son. She was proud of him. The training she had given him with his powers was unmatched. He would break through the mold of sorcerer status soon, but she worried for his heart. The woman that would help him see there was more to life than just revenge.
There was no doubt he would rule with an iron fist. He would be the protector of the innocent, just as Queen Clara had tutored him. To have compassion for those who were weaker, and strength for those who needed it.
The masked Cassius donned covered his eyes, hiding the correct color that hid beneath them. The man was not a vampire. He was something completely different. He didn’t take on the form of just a werewolf, a vampire, or a warlock, but all three. A tribrid, first of his kind. The mask would only show his fangs, letting the court and parliament believe he was one of them. The species they wanted.
Now rumors swirled around the court that he was horribly disfigured. That his cursed parents’ genes made him deformed.