“Thank you,” he whispered before shuffling behind Suron.
“Maybe Bob will do great things for Allen.” Suron petted his hair. “His mother’s eyes scare him, but I’m glad he doesn’t seem afraid of you.” Christine beamed, wrapping her arms around Suron. He rubbed her back gently, and my fists balled up in possessiveness.
It was an innocent hug, one that was meant for friendship, but I couldn’t help but feel anxious.
“Are you sure you are willing to give up…” I glanced at the stuffed toy. “Bob?” Christine giggled, her hand wrapping around my arm. “Of course, letting go of the past. Bracing for the future,” she told me.
“Will you send me pictures of Christopher?” Christine wiped away a tear, grabbing Suron’s hand. “I’m going to miss him, but I think you need him more now than I do.”
Suron had taken it upon himself to take care of Christine’s childhood pet. He was old, seventeen in human years, and Christine worried about the stress it would be to take him to a new world. More dangers for smaller animals lurked there, and taking one animal from Earth to Bergarian would almost be cruel.
The idea occurred to me to leave him in Suron’s care. He had brought up he was soothed to have the furry animal on his chest as he slept at night. Despite him being a vampire, Christopher took it well that a predator was taking care of him. His aura was soft, probably one of the softer vampires that I had ever met that kept the cat sated.
“Of course, I’ll send pictures. I’ll email you every week if you like.” Suron winked at her. “Just don’t be a sour puss when you see him loving me more than he ever loved you,” he chided. Christine playfully pushed his shoulder, her face softening.
“Please come visit,” Christine begged. “Once things settle down?” Suron smiled, nodding. “When I feel the urge to come back, I will,” he said. The forlorn look in his eyes told me it would be many years before he came back, but knowing my Christine, she would continue to persuade him to come back with us.
“Miss you, bestie,” Pamela gave her one last hug before pulling away.
“You’re gonna be an outstanding alpha,” Christine whispered. “Let Enzo take charge sometimes.” Pamela scoffed, waving her hand in the air. Her purple hair flipped and hit Enzo in the face. Instead of disgust, his nose flared and went straight to her neck.
“Maybe just in the bedroom, huh?” he muttered.
“Right, right, in the bedroom,” Pamela joked.
After saying a swift goodbye to the few acquaintances we had made, he hurried to our vehicle. Rowan was driving, and Adaline had her phone in her hand, plotting the best way to get to the Ever Green pack where the portal lay. Werewolves from this pack have been guarding the portal for centuries and have become overcrowded.
Security would be at an all-time high, and leaving early this morning would be for the best.
Christine poked her head out of the window, her hair waving in the breeze. She smiled widely, watching Amber look at her with confusion from another car. “See you when we get there!” Christine chirped. Amber finally smiled, waving slowly until she disappeared in the vehicle to travel with us to Bergarian.
“What was that about?” Christine sat back down in the seat, only for me to pull her close. “Just making her feel welcome,” she muttered. “After all, this is a time of new beginnings, right?” I hummed as the SUV pulled away from the Black Raven coven. “Maybe she had a strenuous life in the past and doesn’t know how to handle it. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she really is a good person.” Christine twiddled her thumbs.
“And you said you were worried about being a queen?” I kissed her forehead.
After arriving at the Ever Green pack, memories flooded me. Just eight months ago, I had left this place with a second chance to find my beloved. Clara had graciously pardoned me, along with two of my friends that had gone back to Bergarian with their own mates.
“What’s going on? Why so many cars?” Christine stuck her head out the window. Rowan slapped his hand on the steering wheel, honking at the other cars.
“Everyone is being a rubber necker, trying to look at the portal instead of parking,” he grumbled. “Just park, and we can walk right through!” He waved his hands in annoyance. Adaline flipped through her phone, chuckling at some cat video on the screen.
Once we parked in the four-story garage that sat hidden in the middle of the forest, I grabbed Christine’s hand while she stared at all the wolves, vampires, and children running playfully. It was more chaotic than it normally was when we stood by the large stone arch with a mirror-like appearance.
“Settle down!” Alpha Adrien growled. His alpha aura had the wolves still, and the vampires grumble in complaints. “Here is how it works, and you best listen because I’m only telling this once!” He held up a finger for emphasis. The crowd’s whisperers died, and he straightened his shirt.
“Right, so once you go through the portal. Do not leave the silver path. You keep silent, eyes straight ahead. If you wander off the path, you won’t come back,” he warned. Alpha Adrien’s eyes softened. He had done this talk many times before, his voice always confident and prideful as he led people through. His pack was the protectors of the portal and had done a fine job keeping unwanted humans away.
“Bergarian is not the same,” his voice became a whisper. No one would have heard him if it wasn’t for our enhanced hearing. “The ground has split down the middle, but with much care, elves and Horus, the magical dragon that hails to King Osirus, have healed most of the land. The landscape may be different, but the people are the same.”
I pulled Christine into my embrace, feeling her heart race. “Many lives have been lost, but they did not fight in vain. They saved you and future generations. Please give them the respect they deserve, and at some point, please visit the memorial that divides the lands to pay your respect.”
The crowd lay still as Alpha Adrien led the first couple to the portal. Two by two, we entered. Our bags and belongings were carried by both of us. Christine held onto her luggage with a tightened grip, and one of my arms gripped her tightly.
“Don’t be afraid,” I whispered in her ear. Her head leaned back, showing me those beautiful red and speckled blue eyes.
“I’m not when I’m with you, Sebastian.” My heart swelled, stealing a kiss before Alpha Adrien used two fingers to wave us forward.