Page 73 of Cougar

Jesus.“Has she ever answered or replied?”


“Even when you were seeing—”

“Even then.”

“I’m sorry, bro. I know how much you loved Vanessa and how torn up you were when she left. I guess I thought you’d moved on.”

“I have.”

I snort. “Sleeping with other women doesn’t mean you’ve moved on. If you’re still calling her every day, clearly you haven’t.”

“I need her to forgive me.”

“So this is about you clearing your conscience.”

“I guess in a way it is. I hurt her, and it eats at me every day. So much that I feel sick. I need to apologize to her and have her tell me she’s okay. That she’s moved on and she’s happy. Then I’ll let her go.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah.” He sighs. “That’s it.”

“Well, I have some news.” He turns his face to me, eyes questioning. “I’m not seeing Jules anymore, so there will be no dancer friends to break you of your dry spell.”

“What happened with Jules?”

“We’re still the best of friends, but I had to cut her loose. She deserves to be with someone who’s willing to give her everything, and I am not that someone.”


“And your sister is coming out with us tonight.”

Liam scowls. “Why?”

“Because she has no friends here. Jay is dating Zach, so she’s always out. Bass is even dating now. Emerson sits home in that big house alone and does nothing but read or watch TV. She’s bored, and I thought it would be nice to get her out of the house.” I just hadn’t planned on him tagging along, but maybe it’s better this way.

“You’re right. My sister deserves to have some fun.”

* * *


“If we win, you have to carry me bridal-style through the bar at Mac’s tomorrow,” Liam challenges.

“And what if we win?” Cam shoots back.

“I’ll carry you?” Liam jokes.

Cam shakes his head. “Nope. You have to buy my drinks all night—”

“I can do that.”

Cam holds up his hand. “—wearing my jersey.”

“Dude,” Tyge drawls. “That’s going too far.”

“Deal.” Liam holds out his hand and Cam shakes it. He looks over at the bar. “Now if you’ll excuse me, there is a hot brunette at the bar who’s been staring at me for the last half hour. It would be rude of me not to go over and introduce myself.”