Page 64 of Cougar

“To the beach just a couple of blocks from here.” He gestures in the general direction.

I nod. “Okay. Have fun, and please make sure she keeps her phone nearby.”

“Will do. It was nice to finally meet you, Emerson.”

“You, too, Zach.” Shutting the door, I turn to find Bass standing there with his arms crossed and a pout on his face.

“Oh stop. She’ll be fine.” I start for the kitchen but quickly spin around as something occurs to me. “She said you told her last night you approved. You talked to her?”

Bass gives me a “come on” look. “She’d been crying” is his only explanation as he throws his arms out to the side before sidestepping me and heading back to the kitchen.

“When did you talk to her?”

He shrugs. “I texted her last night to make sure she was okay. She asked me what I thought of Romeo, and I told her I approve.”

“So we’re sticking with this Romeo thing, huh?”

“Did you not see that kid? He’s a fucking Romeo.”

* * *

Jay plops down on the gray tufted velvet sofa and props her feet on the matching ottoman.

“Hey,” I say as I turn away from the mirror. “How was your day with Zach?”

I notice her cheeks are hot pink and I frown.

Her eyes widen like a deer in headlights, which tells me she’s guilty ofsomething.I don’t push because we already had the talk and I have to trust her.“What?”

“Your face looks a little sunburned. Did you not wear sunscreen?”

She shrugs. “I forgot.”

“Jay, you have to wear sunscreen when you’re out in the sun. I’m serious.”

“Okay, calm down, woman. What are you wearing to your dinner tonight?”

I let out a defeated sigh because nothing fits right. “I have no idea.”

She flicks her wrist. “Pick out a few outfits and try them on. I’ll tell you which one looks the best.”

“Okay.” I fish through my closet and pull out a pair of jeans, an off-the-shoulder top and a pair of ankle boots, slipping them on before making my way over to the mirror.

Jay shakes her head, brows pinched. I look down at the front of my outfit. “What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s the jeans. I don’t like those jeans on you. They’re too baggy in the front.”

“They’re supposed to be baggy. They’re boyfriend jeans.”

“More like ‘your boyfriend’s jeans.’ Are you smuggling a wiener in there, woman?” She snorts a laugh prompting me to double over at the waist and laugh. “They should be called ‘boyfriend-repellant jeans.’” She continues, “I think it’s time to break up with the boyfriend jeans and find something that fits your body.”

I catch my breath and swipe the tears from my face. “All right, fine.” I go back to grab a pair of skinny jeans. As I change, I hear the sound of my phone ringing.

“Cam’s calling,” Jay calls out. “Want me to answer it?”


* * *