Page 57 of Cougar

“Emerson.” He chuckles softly. “It was a coffee date.”

“It doesn’t matter. Do you really think he’d lie to your friend about being divorced?”

“Why are you defending him? He cheated on you.”

I blow out a breath. “I don’t know. Guilt, I guess.”

“Hecheated onyou.”

“You’re right. He did. And then your sister—” I clamp my mouth shut. “The point is my whole life changed after that.”

Cam nods. “All right, I get it.” He pulls out his phone and taps out a text. A moment later his phone pings with an incoming text, and a smile appears on his face.

* * *

“Hey,” I greet my friend Lisa. I’d called her earlier and invited her with us to the game. She had a date but offered to meet us at Mac’s afterward. Apparently Mac’s is whereeveryonegoes after the Friday night home games. This place is packed.

“Hey, girl,” she replies as she hooks her purse on the back of an empty chair and sits down. “Hey, Cam,” she singsongs. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” Her eyes flick to Bass and immediately light up with interest. “Well hello.”

I snort a laugh as she extends her arm across the table.

Bass takes her hand and grins. “Hello to you, too.” He winks.

“Lisa, this is Bass. Bass, this is Lisa, my old friend from high school.”

Lisa tsks and shoots me a teasing look. “Who are you calling old?”

I laugh. “How was your date?”

“Interesting.” She lets out a soft laugh. “His name was Robert. He’s the son of one of my clients.” She shakes her head slightly. “Bless her heart. I think he would’ve been a better match for Xavier.”

“Oh?” I snort. “Well at least you made a friend out of it.”

“I have enough gay friends.”

“You can never have enough gay friends.”

“Trust me, Xavier is enough.”

That cracks me up. “Jay adores him.”

“Me, too, when he’s not being a bitch.” She returns her attention to Bass. “So, Bass. Is that your real name, or is it short for something?”

Bass smirks as I blurt, “His name is Sebastian.”

He jerks his gaze to me. “Woman,” he warns playfully.

“Anderson,” I finish.

“Where did Bass come from?” Lisa asks.

“Marcus gave him the name because of his deep voice.” I laugh and gesture to B. “Hence, Bass.”

Cam chuckles as he stands from his seat and shoves his phone in his front pocket. “All right, I’m out. I gotta be up early.” He leans over and drops a kiss on the top of my head.

“You heading to Miami?” Bass asks as he reaches out and clasps hands with Cam.

“Yeah, in the morning. I’ll be back tomorrow night.”