The back door slides open and Bass steps out with Troy following him. Troy hangs back under the shade as Bass makes his way over to us.
“What’s up, man?” He clasps hands with Cam.
“I came to check out the new digs and use the washing machine. I’m heading to Miami in the morning.”
“Didn’t you say the guy was coming to fix your washer tomorrow? Do you need me to go over and wait for him?” I offer.
“Zach’s got it covered.”
That reminds me. “What’s up with Zach, anyway?”
“What do you mean?”
“He asked Jay to dinner the other night and then stood her up.”
Cam raises his brows in disbelief. “My nephew? No way. Zach would never do that to Jay, or anyone for that matter. Not on purpose. He’s a good kid.”
I shrug.
“You going to the football game tonight?” Bass asks.
“Of course. It’s Zach’s first game of the season.” Cam’s gaze swings in my direction. “Are you going?”
“I was thinking about it.”
The back door slides open again and Jay comes prancing out with a big smile on her face, wearing her custom-made school jersey with a number one on the front, a pair of skinny jeans and gray Converse high-tops. The petite girl trailing behind her must be Lexi, because she looks just like her movie star mother. She’s adorable, dressed similar to Jay, wearing a Heritage Bay Academy football T-shirt, skinny jeans and gray Van slip-ons. Her caramel-colored hair is twisted into two messy knots on top of her head.
“I’ve missed you, B.” Jay wraps her arms around Bass’s middle and gives him a squeeze. With her in school and Wednesday evening dance classes—which Bass refuses to take her to ever again after the first class, claiming he needed to bleach his eyes—they haven’t been spending nearly as much time together.
“Hi, honey.”
“Hi, Mom. Hi, Cam.” She points to me. “Nice suit.”
“Oh.” I wince. “None of mine fit. This one still had the tags on it.” Jay isn’t the only one who lost weight. I hadn’t realized just how much I’d lost until I put on my bikini bottoms, tied them as tight as they’d go and they were still loose.
She waves me off. “Keep it. Anna gave me one in every color and then some. Take whatever you want.”
Anna Sizemore is a young up-and-coming fashion designer who Jay met through her best friend, Evangeline. Jay modeled for Anna Sizemore’s “Girl Next Door” fashion campaign in exchange for Anna’s assistance in designing some Project Mayhem T-shirts and hats.
“How was the pep rally?” I ask.
“Amazing.” She grins as she pulls away from Bass and gestures to the girl with her. “This is my friend Lexi. Lexi, this is my mom, Emerson. This is Bass and that’s Cam.”
Lexi nods. “I’ve met Cam a few times through Zach.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Lexi,” I say.
“We’re going to the football game tonight,” she tells me.
“We were just talking about that.”
“Are you going?” she asks.
“I think so.”
“Okay. But I’m taking my own car because Zach invited me to a party afterward.”
“Go, Zach,” Cam murmurs, and I shake my head with a grin.