She closes her eyes as if pained by the news and shakes her head. “Oh, Cameron.” She sighs. “You’re going to get your heart broken.”
I frown. “Why do you say that?”
“Honey, her husband just died. She’s grieving. I’m not saying Emerson doesn’t care about you, because I know she does, but I don’t want you to get your hopes up.”
“He didn’tjustdie, Mom. It’s been eight months.”
“Emerson was married to Marcus for nearly twenty-two years. They built a life together. A family. A love like that is hard to move on from. She has Jayla to look after, and her child comes first. If you’re serious about her, you’re going to have to be very patient.”
“I know that. Like I said, it’s still new and no one knows, so please keep it between us.”
“I won’t say a word. But I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
“I can handle it.”
It’s Friday night and Heritage Bay Academy’s homecoming game. Once again, the Mackenzies are all here huddled up on the bleachers, except for Max and Willow who are standing down by the fence so Willow can see Cole.
“There’s Harper.” Jay points as she stands. “I’m gonna go down there so I can say hi to Zach and wish him good luck before the game starts.”
Bass rises from his spot behind us and follows her down to the fence separating the crowd from the field.
“Hey.” I look up to see Chris hovering over me. He reaches out to shake my father’s hand, then gestures to the empty space Jay just vacated. “Mind if I sit?”
“No.” I scoot over a little to make room, and he settles beside me.
“You know, I haven’t missed a homecoming game since sophomore year,” he admits, staring out at the field. A group of students dressed in school spirit attire carrying a Hurricanes homecoming banner crosses the far side of the field and takes their positions in front of the tunnel.
“You’re here alone?” I ask.
“It’s high school football, Em.” He chuckles and gestures around us. “I’m not really alone.” He throws an arm around my shoulders and leans over to speak in my ear. “But thanks for your concern.”
I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the field. Chris is still attractive and fit, and he’s a doctor. I seriously doubt he’s ever alone.I wonder if he’s still seeing Cam’s ‘friend.’
After I had lunch with my mother last week, I decided to pump the brakes on this thing with Cam, keeping our interactions to brief texts, with the excuse that I was busy planning Jay’s homecoming dinner party. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but I needed some space to think.
I care about Cam. A lot. I like spending time with him in and out of bed, and I’m struggling with my feelings and the guilt over Marcus that weighs heavily on my heart. Then there are other questions that linger in my mind.What if it doesn’t end well? What if Liam hates me for taking his best friend away? What if I fall in love with him?
The Scorpions’ “Rock You Like A Hurricane” starts playing over the speakers and the crowd roars. We all get to our feet and I immediately begin searching for Jay. She’s still at the fence with her friends—and Bass is right beside her.
A moment later, the team crashes through the middle of the banner, making their way to the center of the field before breaking into a hip-hop style dance routine. Player number fifteen, my nephew, Cole, breaks away from the group, bouncing on the balls of his feet and moving his arms up and down, gesturing for the crowd to cheer louder. Then he runs over to the fence and holds up his hand for a high five from Willow before jogging over to join his team at the bench.
Player number six, Zach, steps forward, points to Jay, kisses the tips of his index and middle fingers, taps them over his heart, and then throws his hands in the air with the universal rocker sign.
I might’ve just swooned a little bit.
Jay returns the gesture and my heart expands in my chest. My eyes gloss over and a knot forms in the pit of my stomach. I send a silent prayer to Marcus to protect her heart.
“Looks like our golden boy is in love.” Chris bumps his shoulder against mine. “Hearts are breaking all over Heritage Bay right now,” he teases with a light laugh.
My father huffs out a laugh of his own. “That boy has been in love with my granddaughter since he was six.”
I bark out a laugh and point to Bass beside Jay, jumping up and down, clapping and blowing kisses at Zach. Jay turns and smacks him on the arm, and we all burst out laughing.
It’s then that I notice Cam on the other side of Bass, leaning with his forearms propped on top of the fence. My gaze falls on his perfectly sculpted ass encased in a pair of dark jeans, trailing up to the navy blue T-shirt stretched over his broad back, up to his face, which is turned to the side, looking over his shoulder—at me. His jaw clenches with an expression I can’t quite read until his eyes flick to Chris and then back to me.