Page 88 of Cougar

“Did you love her?” Jessica cries.

His answer is muffled, but we all hear him loud and clear. “Yes.”


“Cake” plays over the intercom as Grace sets a platter stacked with pancakes and another with bacon on the center of the marble island.

Jay dances her way into the kitchen with her arm looped around Harper’s, both smiling.

“Happy birthday to you,” I sing. “What are your plans for your birthday?”

“She has a date,” Jay announces, and I don’t miss the way Harper stiffens. “With Cole.” She rounds the island and bumps hips with Grace.

I raise my brows. “Really?” I drawl, feigning surprise. “I had no idea you were interested in Cole,” I add, trying to mask the skepticism in my voice.

Harper gives a careless shrug. “I wasn’t. I’m not. Not really. He kind of asked me out of the blue the other day.” I’m not surprised. My mother called it a couple of weeks ago at the Labor Day barbecue.

“Cole likes her,” Jay chimes in with a knowing smile and a wink. “Zach told me.” She grabs a plate and begins loading it with pancakes and bacon.

I paste a smile on my face. “Just be careful with him.”

Jay snorts. “I already warned her.”

* * *


The ringing of the doorbell pulls me from my daze. Setting my beer on the coffee table, I make my way to the front door and am surprised to find Emerson standing there holding a bottle of wine.

“Hey.” She holds it up. “You busy?”

“No.” I step back and gesture for her to come in. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” I ask as I close the door behind me and follow her to the kitchen.

“I’m bored, Cam,” she admits as she sets the bottle on the island and begins opening and closing the drawers. “Where’s your corkscrew?”

I reach past her and open the drawer containing three different ones. She grabs one and turns back to the bottle. I pull a stemless wineglass from the cabinet and slide it across the granite countertop.


I lean with my backside against the counter across from her, my arms crossed over my chest. I watch as she pours half a glass of wine and immediately begins downing it like water, keeping her back to me.


“Give me a minute.” She sighs before she turns to face me. “I didn’t expect this.” She huffs out a single laugh. “Actually, this is the last thing I expected.”

I keep still, my expression blank as if she were a wild animal and will at any moment get spooked and take off running.

“You’re too young for me, Cam.”

I open my mouth to object, but she holds up her free hand. “Let me finish.” She takes another sip of her liquid courage. It’s clear now why she brought the wine. “But it doesn’t change this.” She gestures between us. “You and me. The way you feel about me”—she takes another sip of her wine—“or the way I’m beginning to feel about you.”

Straightening, I pluck the wineglass from her hand and place it on the counter before leaning forward with my hands on either side of her. “How do you feel about me?” I ask.

Her beautiful green eyes fill with tears as they flick back and forth over mine. “I’m not ready.” She shakes her head. I don’t push. Emerson can’t be pushed. She’s the only one who can decide when she’s ready. She’s scared, timid even, but she’s too stubborn to back down.

“What do you want, Emerson?”

“I want—” She blows out a shaky breath. “I want you,” she admits as a tear slips from the corner of her eye and slides down her cheek.