“That works.” She pecks him on the cheek. “I want you to meet my friend, Harper. Harper!” Jay calls out, and a redhead leaning against the bar, talking to Cole, turns her head in our direction. I’d seen her running around the bar the last couple of times I’ve been here. She’s pretty, and Cole seems to be captivated by her with the way he’s staring at her ass as she makes her way over to us.
Jay drops to her feet and curls her arms around Liam’s waist. “Harper, this is my Uncle Liam.” Then she gestures to me. “And this is Cam, Liam’s boyfriend,” she deadpans. Liam and I both bark out a simultaneous laugh.
“Oh you got jokes, little girl.” Liam bends at the knee, and Jay squeals as he throws her over his shoulder. “Nice to meet you, Harper.” He smiles and nods before he strides off toward Zach.
“Do you know my nephew Zach?” I point to Zach, who’s leaning against the bar beside Cole, laughing at Liam who still has Jay stretched over his shoulder.
She smiles and there’s a flash of familiarity in her green eyes. “Yes. We go to school together.” Twisting, I look over my shoulder to see Tyge standing behind me with the two women he and Liam left with last night. “This is Tyge, and I haven’t yet been introduced to these beautiful ladies.”
“Hi, I’m Mia,” the dark-haired woman says.
“Holly.” The blonde smiles.
“Nice to meet you, ladies.” I nod and turn back to Harper. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go say what’s up to Zach.”
“I’m coming with,” Tyge calls out from behind me.
As I head through the crowd, I scan the room for Emerson but don’t see her.
We lost today—only by two runs, but still—and I blame myself. My head wasn’t in the game today. It was on Emerson and that kiss.
That fucking kiss.
After a quick hello to Zach, I make my way around the room, but I still don’t see Emerson. Pushing through the doors that lead to the bathrooms, I finally find her standing in the hall outside one of the offices, staring down at her phone.
“Hey,” I whisper.
She lifts her head and smiles. “Hey.” Her lips pull up on one side. “Sorry you lost today.”
I lift a shoulder and smirk. “It’s your fault.”
She frowns and a little V forms between her brows. “How’s it my fault?”
Leaning in to her, I say, “Because all I could think about was that kiss.”
A flash of panic mixed with regret crosses her face. “I’m sorry,” she breathes. “I shouldn’t have—”
I lower my mouth to hers to stop her from ruining the moment. “I’d kiss you every day for the rest of my life if you’d let me,” I whisper against her lips.
The door to the hall swings open and Emerson jumps, pulling me into an empty office. “Jesus,” she whisper-yells. “Someone could’ve seen us.”
“Why are you whispering?”
She gestures to the playpen in the middle of the room where Cole’s daughter, Willow, is napping.
I bend down so our eyes are level. “Tell me the truth. Do you regret that kiss?”
“No, but—”
The door swings open and Cole walks in. His eyes flick between Emerson and me with a knowing expression. “I came to check on Willow,” he whispers.
“Co,” Willow’s groggy little voice says from her playpen. “I right here.”
I chuckle and turn back to Emerson. “We’ll talk later.” I shoot her a wink and walk out.
* * *
“What’s the story on the redhead?” Liam jerks his chin toward the patio where Jay and her friends are gathered. “Whose kid is she?”