Page 74 of Cougar

I roll my eyes. “As if she doesn’t know who you are, dork.”

Liam leans over and kisses me on the temple. “Come on, Tyge. She’s got a friend who looks young enough for you.”

“Dude, fuck off with that shit. I’m not a pervert.”

“Oh.” Liam raises a brow. “So you don’t ask me almost every day if my niece is eighteen yet?” he adds nonchalantly as he slides from the booth and makes his way over to the brunette sitting at the bar with her blonde friend.

I’ve known Tyge Reynolds since he was a kid. His father, Jack, is the entertainment lawyer for Royal Mayhem and King Records. Jack and Marcus were very good friends.

“She’s way too young for you, Tyge.” I narrow my eyes at him as he slides from the booth. “Marcus would’ve kicked your ass if he heard you talking like that about his little girl.”

“And she has a boyfriend,” Cam adds firmly.

Tyge holds up his hands in defense. “I swear I was only fucking with Liam. You know how crazy he is over her.” He jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m gonna go over there.”

I wave him off before swallowing back the rest of my dirty martini. I decided to change it up tonight from the usual glass of wine after the horrible hangover I had a few weeks ago. Wine hangovers are the absolute worst.

“Are you bored?” Cam asks.

I shake my head as I suck an olive into my mouth. “I’m actually having a great time.” I smile. “Thanks for insisting we go out. I really like this place.” I turn my attention to the bar.

“Is it me, or does Liam seem a little sad tonight?” I ask.

And by sad, I mean quiet. Liam only gets quiet when there’s something weighing on his mind.

“He was a little upset earlier because he misses Vanessa but it looks like he’s bounced back.” Cam chuckles.

“I’ve never seen Liam in action before. It’s quite entertaining.”

“He doesn’t really have to try. He’s good-looking and an athlete. A pretty little package all wrapped up with a bow.”

I laugh. “Don’t you guys worry one of these women will try to trap you?”

He shakes his head. “Liam is a smart guy, and I don’t pick up random women in clubs or bars.”

I purse my lips and give him a look that says he’s full of shit.

“I don’t,” he repeats. “I haven’t in a very long time.”

Because he has “friends” he can call over. Can’t really blame the guy for playing it safe.

“Yo, I’m taking off,” Liam says as he walks up to the table.

“Where? You talked to her for all of ten minutes.”

“Damn, I need to step up my game. It’s usually only takes five.” He winks and I roll my eyes.

“Don’t you have a curfew?”

Liam shrugs. “I’ve got time, and Coach knows I like to spend time with my family while I’m in town.” He smirks. “I’ve never missed a game or shown up late. He has no reason not to trust me. You drunk?” He grins.

I shrug. “It’s your fault for buying me all those martinis.”

“Live a little, big sis. Love you.” He leans over and kisses the top of my head, then smacks Cam on the back. “Take care of my sister.”

* * *
