Cam throws his head back and laughs.
“Yes!” Melissa points before she throws her head back and laughs. “You always made me laugh, Em.”
“Why did you call her that?”
“She wore braces, and this one time she gave Max a blow job.” I giggle. “Let’s just say every time Max heard her name, he would cringe and cover his dick.”
“Ouch,” Cam says with a laugh.
“All right, ladies.” I push my chair back and attempt to stand. Cam grabs my elbow to steady me and I shoot him a wink. “It’s been great catching up. We need to do this again soon.”
* * *
Emerson is buzzed and fucking adorable. It’s been years since I’ve seen her like this—relaxed, smiling and carefree, without the weight of the world on her shoulders. It reminds me of the nights Liam and I would hang out at her house keeping her company while Marcus was busy in the studio.
She curls her arm around mine and leans into me as we walk to my truck. “That was fun.” She smiles.
“It was. Your friends are funny,” I tell her as I open the door and help her into the passenger seat before rounding the back and climbing into the driver seat.
Emerson reaches over and places her hand on my thigh. I look over at her and she gives me a sullen look. “They’re not my friends, Cam. Not my real friends, anyway. It took me a long time to learn the difference between a friend and an acquaintance.” She waves me off. “Ignore me. I think I’m drunk. They’re good people.”
I chuckle. “Trust me, I get it. I have teammates but they’re not my friends.”
She snaps her fingers and points at me. “Exactly.”
The ride to Emerson’s is silent. I glance over at her to see if she’s passed out, but I’m surprised to see she’s awake, leaning her head against the window. She looks lost in thought.
“What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking”—she looks over at me—“that I’m lucky that I have you in my life.” She reaches over and intertwines her fingers with mine. “Youare the definition of a real friend.”
That makes me smile. I love that she’s always so open and honest with me. She never holds back from being herself, and it makes me feel like she’s truly comfortable with me.
I’m sitting at the counter with my pounding head in my hands as Grace slides a cup of coffee under my nose. “I take it you had a good time?” she asks.
I move my hand and flick my wrist. “I can’t remember the last time I had a hangover.”
“Six years ago,” she reminds me. “Grammys after-party.”
“Oh my God. That was the worst hangover of my life.”
“Nope,” Grace adds with a laugh. “2002 MTV Music Awards.”
“Oh jeez. That was pretty bad.”
“Pretty bad?” Grace tilts her head back and laughs. Okay, it was really bad. Marcus had to get a doctor to come to the house and administer an IV because I couldn’t move. I literally thought I was going to die that day.
I snort a laugh. “You’d think I would’ve learned my lesson after that.”
“Well, no one can ever accuse you of being dull. You sure know how to have a good time.”
Bass is whistling as he enters through the garage door and saunters into the kitchen. He stops short and raises his brows. “Holy shit, woman.” He chuckles. “You look like hell.”
“Thanks.” I flip him off.