Page 63 of Cougar

“Grace’s boyfriend,” I tease, and Grace shakes her finger at me.

“Who Tony?” Jay grins as she brings the mug to her lips. Grace’s head whips to the side. “What?” Jay shrugs. “Sheltered kid here. I had nothing better to do.” She takes a sip of her coffee and winces. “Blah.” She sticks out her tongue before turning back to the counter to add more sugar and creamer.

“Speaking of boyfriends,” I start, “don’t you have plans with Zach today?”

“Crap.” She sets down her mug. “I need to get dressed.”

Once Jay is out of the room, Bass asks me, “Did she tell you what happened last night?”

I nod. “Yes. She and Zach had a misunderstanding, but they worked it out. She loves him, so we love him. Got it?”

Bass shrugs. “He better not make my princess cry ever again.”

Unfortunately, I think it’s inevitable.

* * *

“Princess said to tell you she’ll be down in five minutes,” I hear Bass say as I head from the kitchen to the foyer.

“And to not embarrass her,” I add.

My gaze lands on the infamous Zach Easton in all his gorgeous glory. Tall, muscular, tan, sandy-blond hair and bright blue eyes. It’s like I’ve stepped back in time and I’m standing across from his father. He’s dressed in board shorts, a T-shirt and flip-flops.

“Zach, it’s so great to finally meet you.” I don’t even bother with a handshake because, like I told Bass, my daughter loves him, so I love him. Instead, I extend my arms and he bends at the waist to accept my hug. Pulling back, I look up at him and smile, slowly shaking my head. “I can’t get over how much you look like your dad. I swear it was like déjà vu watching you out on the field last night. You played a good game.”

“Thanks. I didn’t know you were there.” He rubs the back of his neck.He’s nervous.

I look up at Bass’s hard expression as I say, “We were all there,” then return my attention to Zach. “Back in the day, the Mackenzies never missed a football game.”

Bass steps closer to me and crosses his arms over his chest. I scoff and backhand him playfully across the stomach. “Would you cut it out? You knew this day was coming.” I turn back to Zach and roll my eyes. “Ignore him. He doesn’t play well with others.”

Bass lets out a deep chuckle. “I play just fine.” He grins, raising a brow. “Just like a cat plays with a mouse before he devours it.”

I throw my head back and laugh.He’s such a shit.

“I heard that, B,” Jay says as she skips down the stairs wearing a pair of cutoff jean shorts, one of her infamous T-shirts that says “I have nothing to wear” and sandals. Her black hair is braided and draped over one shoulder. She lightly smacks Bass on the arm as she bypasses him on her way to Zach. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she stretches up on her toes and pecks him on the lips. “Hi, Z.”

Ah. Young love.

My heart melts.

Bass growls, pretending to clear his throat, and I snort.

Turning away from Zach to Bass, Jay props her hands on her hips. “You told me last night that you approved, so be nice.”

“Fine.” Bass rolls his eyes, throwing his arms out to his sides. I pinch my lips together as the two of them have a silent conversation. Bass’s lips tip up slightly at the corners.

“Grace, come meet Zach!” Grace hurries from the kitchen and lets out a soft gasp when her gaze lands on him. “Zach, this our amazing Grace.” She laughs. “Grace, this is my guy.”

She reaches out and hugs him. “Sorry, Zach, we’re a bunch of huggers. There’s no such thing as personal space in this house.”

“Speak for yourself, woman,” Bass bristles.

“It’s so good to finally meet you,” Grace says before turning to Jay. “He’s so handsome.”

“I told you.” Jay smiles up at Zach. “Let’s go, Z.” She turns, yanks open the door and hurries toward Zach’s Jeep.

“Hey, Zach,” I call out, and he turns around. “Where are you taking her?”