Page 60 of Cougar

“Yes”—she immediately looks down at Bass—“but it’s not because of Zach.” She returns her attention to me. “I promise I’ll explain everything to you later.”

“You better,” Bass huffs.

I don’t know. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Mom, I’m fine. Please trust me.”

I trust her implicitly. “Okay.” I point at her. “But you better tell me everything, Jay.”


It’s after midnight by the time I pull Jay’s Range Rover into the garage. Bass drove Lisa home after too many margaritas, and by the way they were flirting with each other, I doubt he’s coming home tonight. Good for him. Good for her, too.

After a quick shower, I throw on a pair of yoga pants and a tank before making my way up to Jay’s room.

It’s illuminated by the soft light coming from her bedside lamps as she’s curled up under the blankets, reading on her iPad.

“What are you reading?” I ask as I lift the covers and slide in next to her. I roll to my side, facing her, and tuck my hands under my cheek.

“It’s calledEmerge. It’s the first book from one of Lexi’s all-time favorite series. I just started it an hour ago, but I’m loving it. If I didn’t have plans with Zach tomorrow, I’d stay up all night to finish it.”

“That good, huh?”

“That good.” She closes the cover on her iPad, then slides it onto her nightstand before rolling to her side and tucking her hands under her cheek, mirroring my position. “How was your night?” she asks.

I smile. “It was nice. Alex and Dylan played for about an hour, and Max even came over to our table and had a drink with us.” I don’t tell her how seeing Alex on stage tonight reminded me of Marcus.

She snorts. “I’m glad you two are getting along.”

I roll my eyes. “Max and I get along fine as long as he’s not shoving his opinions down my throat. I don’t tell people how to live their life, and no one is going to dictate how I live mine.”

“Word.” She smiles, then lets out a screech when I touch her with my cold feet. “Keep your cold, freakishly tiny feet to yourself, lady.” She settles back in her spot and stares at me briefly before saying, “I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve done this.”

“Done what?”

“Just… hanging out.”

“Most teenagers probably wouldn’t think it’s cool to hang out with their moms.”

She scoffs. “Well we both know I’m not most teenagers, and I’d rather hang out with you than most of my classmates.”

I frown as I slip into protective mother mode. “Is someone giving you a hard time?”

“Not really.” She sighs.

“Are you gonna tell me what happened tonight?”

“It’s a long story, and you’re not going to like it, but I feel bad keeping things from you.” Her words are like a kick to my soul. Guilt swims in the pit of my stomach.

“I appreciate that, but I know it’s because you’re probably protecting my feelings.”

“Something like that.” She sighs, then squeezes her eyes shut. “Zach and I had sex in St. Thomas last year.”

I suck in a breath through my nose and hold it. My brain is spinning and there are so many things I want to say. Yet, she’s trusting me so I keep my mouth shut.

After a moment, she opens her eyes. “You’re freaking out. I can tell.”

“I’m processing.”And wishing I had one of Alex’s special cigarettes right now.