Page 24 of Cougar

“I get to see her every day. But I’m ready for her to be home.” I go to the wellness center every day for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. And for the past three weeks, I’ve been allowed to spend three nights a week with her. However, I wasn’t allowed to stay tonight because Jay has her last therapy session first thing in the morning.

A moment of comfortable silence passes between us before he says, “I remember when you put those up.” I look over at him and he jerks his chin toward the ceiling. “It was the summer when Cam and I came to visit before our senior year of high school. I asked her if she wanted to come down to the beach. She told me, ‘Another time, Uncle Liam. I’m busy making my wish list.’” He huffs out a laugh. “That wish list was a mile long.”

Before they officially moved here, Liam and Cam had spent many summers at my home. It’s not a coincidence that he lives next door. The house had gone into foreclosure and Marcus bought it. We sat on it for a little while, intending to sell it, but then Liam signed with the Heat and moved to California, so Marcus sold the house to him. Not long after Liam settled into his new home, Cam also signed with the Heat and moved in. My relationship with Liam is different from the one I have with Max. I love both my brothers equally, but Max and I have always butted heads.

Out of the three of us, Liam is the most outspoken and stubborn. But behind his fierce exterior, Liam Mackenzie is a mama’s boy.

“Can I go with you to pick her up?”

“On one condition.”


“Don’t hit on Dr. Ramos.”

I don’t have to look over to know he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I can’t make any promises.”

“Liam,” I draw out in a warning.

He sighs. “Fine.”

* * *

“Jay, your gown is here,” I call out as I enter her bedroom. “Where are you?”

“In here.” Her voice comes from her bathroom.

Stepping just inside the threshold of the bathroom, I find her standing sideways in front of the mirror wearing only a taupe-colored strapless bra and matching lace panties, admiring the tattoo on her side. She’s so beautiful with her dark hair, bright eyes—Marcus’s eyes—and legs a mile long.

Her blue-green gaze flicks to me in the mirror and she smiles. “What?”

I return a smile of my own. “You look good.” It’s true. She’s gained back most of her weight, and the light is back in her eyes.

It’s as if Dr. Ramos hit some sort of emotional reset button. She’s still fragile at times, and every day is a struggle, but she’s trying. We’re all trying.

The last few days have been rough, though, because she’s going through the angry stage of her grief. Pair that with the Mackenzie blood running through her veins and she’s a bit of a hothead. Her temper is short, and she cries when she’s angry and frustrated, which in turn worries me and makes me want to cry.

Leave it to Liam to suggest a punching bag. Of course, Bass went out and bought her one, and I’ll admit that it seems to be helping.

“Will you put this on my tattoo?” She grabs the lotion from the counter and passes it to me.

Once she was settled back at home, Jay asked if she could get another tattoo. I put in a call to Marcus’s tattoo artist who was more than happy to make another house call. She’d gotten her first one last year with Marcus’s consent and off the books because of her age. It’s a small one on the inside of her bicep that says ‘Conquer.’ “Because we’re Kings,” Marcus had said. “Kings don’t cower. Kings conquer.”

So we all got one. Including Bass.

When Jay asked for a second tattoo, I knew what she wanted. It was something Marcus used to say to her from when she was a little girl up until the day before he died.

“I’m sorry,” Marcus murmured as Jay curled up beside him in his hospital bed and laid her head on his chest.

“For what?” she asked as he stroked her hair.

“Since the day you were born, I’ve done everything I can to protect you from anything that might hurt you, but I can’t protect you from this.”

“It’s not your fault. I don’t want you to leave me, Daddy, because I won’t be able move on from this.”

“You will, baby girl. You’re a King. You’re strong.”

“I love you so much, Daddy.”