Page 65 of Veil

Stars dance behind my eyes as chaos explodes around me. The collective sound of hurried footsteps pounding against the wood floor and raised voices gets louder. My body is jerked violently as Victor’s nails dig into the skin of my neck.

Suddenly, his weight is gone, and I suck in a breath. There’s a roar, a grunt, and the distinct sound of flesh meeting flesh. It takes a moment to register what’s happening.

The bed dips again, and I let out a scream.

“It’s okay, Makayla,” a female voice whispers.Desiree.

Shaky fingers brush against my wrists as they work to loosen the knot. My shoulders are on fire as my arms go lax.

Reaching for the blindfold, I shove it away from my eyes and wince at the bright light. Blinking, I allow my eyes to adjust before rolling to the side and witnessing Cannon raining punches down on Victor while Gio and Enzo stand nearby with their guns drawn.

My gasp has all heads turning to me with wide eyes. A deep growl rumbles from Cannon’s chest, his nostrils flared. His gaze drops to the red satin panties, then up to my chest, and I realize I’m practically naked. Desiree moves to my side, covering me with a sheet before wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

Cannon rises from the floor and rushes over to the bed, pulling me into his arms. “Are you okay?”

Face buried in his chest, I inhale his familiar woodsy scent and nod as fear, panic, and relief wash over me all at once. Then I burst into tears.

“Angel,” he whispers, cupping the back of my head.

Victor lets out a humorless chuckle. “You can’t kill me, Cantore. It’s against the rules.”

Gio lets out a laugh that sends a chill down my spine. “I know the rules, shit stain.”

I pull back in time to see him tucking his gun behind his back before extending a hand to Victor and helping him up from the floor. Victor sways on his feet as his angry stare bounces between the men, then to Desiree, before settling on me.

Cannon's arms tighten around me, his body shaking with anger. Still holding his gun, Enzo jerks his head to the side, and Victor stumbles out of the room.

“Gio,” Desiree murmurs beside me.

As Gio makes his way over, I take in his dark blond hair and the scruff lining his jaw.

“What is it,amore mio?” he asks, his voice soft and affectionate.

The adoration in his light eyes contradicts the evil I’d heard in his laugh. Jaw clenched, he lifts his hand and gently cups her cheek. It’s only then that I notice her battered face, and I suck in a breath.

“Don’t kill him,” she pleads.

My body stills, and I look up at Cannon with wide eyes. “We should call the police and press charges,” I suggest.

Cannon flinches at the hoarseness of my voice. His eyes move to my throat, and his expression hardens. Nostrils flared, he shakes his head.

“We don’t involve the police in family matters,” Gio says.

I look to Gio, my brows pinched in confusion. “Family?”

Cannon’s arms tighten around me. A silent warning to stop asking questions.

Gio smirks. “We won’t kill him.” He dips his head. “You have my word.”

Turning my attention back to Cannon, I tell him, “Victor said he watched us together.”

Cannon gestures to the floor-length mirror. “It’s a two-way mirror. There’s a small room on the other side.” I remember the small keyholes I’d seen the day Desiree gave me a tour. “It’s for those who like to be watched,” he explains. “But you need a key to get in. I used it as a secret entrance to avoid running into you.”

“Victor probably stole the key from me and made himself a copy,” Desiree admits as tears slide down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Makayla, for everything.”

My mouth dips into a frown, and I shake my head. “None of this is your fault. We’re both victims.” I reach for her hand. “Are you okay?”

She nods. “I am. Thank you.”