Page 51 of Veil


My best friend stands at the door with devastation in her red, swollen eyes. “I’m sorry,” she says softly. Her shaky voice makes her sound small, and it makes me feel shitty for yelling at her.

My eyes well with tears. “I know,” I cry, wrapping my arms around her.

Pulling apart, we both swipe away our tears as I invite her inside and lead her over to the sofa.

“I didn’t do it to hurt you,” she explains, lowering herself onto the cushion and turning her body to face me. “I wasn’t thinking about the possible repercussions of taking you there for one night. I thought it would be fun for you.”

Nodding, I say, “I know. Cannon and I talked for hours last night. He explained everything, and I’m not mad at you anymore.”

Her shoulders drop in relief. “Thank you for hearing him out. I know the way it looked, but I promise I wasn’t pimping you out to my brother.”

I snort a laugh. “That had to be awkward for you. I guess it’s a good thing I never went into detail of all the ways I let your brother fuck me.”

Heather makes a gagging sound, extending her leg and tapping me with her foot. “Stop.”

I laugh. “Consider that your payback.”

She drags in a breath and lets it out slowly. “I did lie about a few things, and I want to come clean if you’ll let me.”

I curl my legs to the side and rest my head on the cushion. “Spill.”

“You know how I mentioned that you could only get into Veil if you’re invited by another member?”


“That was true, except if a member invites you it’s because they want to have sex.”

My brows pinch in confusion.

“Remember when I told you about my neighbor, Tommy?” she asks, and I nod. “He was a member at Veil. Right after my eighteenth birthday, he asked me if I wanted to go to a private club. Of course I said yes. I was thinking of a club with a VIP room where I could drink and not get carded. When we got there, I felt a little overwhelmed, and to be honest, a little scared.”

“How old was Tommy?”


“How old were you the first time you had sex with him?”

She gives me a sheepish smile. “Seventeen.”

My mouth falls open in shock. “Heather.” I blink. “Clearly I’m not opposed to dating an older man, but you were a kid.” A small shudder runs through me. “Did something happen?”

“Nothing bad. Not really.” She huffs out a humorless laugh. “We went to the bar and Tommy got a drink. I passed on the alcohol because I was in a strange place and I wanted to keep my head clear. We made out on the dance floor for a while, then he took me to one of the rooms upstairs. We got naked and fooled around a little bit, then he asked if I wanted to have a threesome with another woman. I was down for it, and a few minutes later, a woman came into the room.”

My eyes widen. “Oh God. Was it—”

“Desiree,” she finishes with a slow nod. “The look on her face was priceless. She flipped out on Tommy for bringing a teenager into her club. Then she called Cannon. That’s how I found out my brother owned Veil and that Desiree was a kinky bitch.” She laughs.

“Wait.” I hold up my hand. “Cannon owns Veil?”

Her smile slips. “I thought you said he explained everything.”

“The important stuff, but that makes more sense. I guess that’s why I was allowed to be there.” I shake my head.

Heather shrugs. “Cannon banned me from Veil after the whole Tommy thing. When I told him I wanted to take you he said no. So, I asked Desiree instead.”

“Wouldn’t she get in trouble for going behind his back?”