Page 47 of Veil

Turning my attention back to Victor, I cross my arms over my chest. After our last encounter, I should be terrified that he’s in my space, but I’m too pissed off. It’s a long shot, but I ask, “Do you know Cannon Davis?” It’s dark out, but I don’t miss the flare of his eyes.

I tilt my head. “Seriously?”

Victor shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Cannon and I are old friends. I owed him a favor.”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re not friends,” Cannon growls from behind me. “What are you doing here, Victor?”

“I came to tell Makayla the truth,” Victor replies, keeping his focus on me. “Cannon saw you at graduation. He wanted you, and at the time, I wanted someone else.”

“Wait, what?” I move so I can see them both and focus on Victor.

“He was cheating on you with Desiree,” Cannon adds.

It feels like I’ve just had the wind knocked out of me. “So youusedme.Threatenedme. Thenpassedme on to your friend,” I yell. “So you could be with Desiree?”

This is even more fucked up than I thought.

The betrayal from both men weighs heavily on my chest, and the urge to cry knots at the base of my throat.I can’t breathe.

I drag in a deep, shaky breath, my furious gaze darting between these two psychos. “I want you both to get the fuck away from me!” I point to Victor. “You’re a damn psycho and I wish I’d never met you.” Then I point to Cannon. “I have nothing to say to you.”

With that, I turn on my heels and march past a wide-eyed Jesse and Heather.

“Makayla,” Heather calls, and I spin around angrily.

“I thought you were my friend,” I shriek.

She blinks as a pained expression crosses her face. “I’m your best friend.”

I laugh in disbelief. “You took me to a sex club so your brother could fuck me.”

Heather flinches, and Jesse jerks around to look at her with a mixture of disbelief and disgust.

Shaking her head, she asserts, “It wasn’t like that.”

“Oh?” I huff out another laugh. “Well, maybe one day when I can stand to look at you, I’ll let you explain.”

“Enough, Makayla,” Cannon barks.

Jesse shoulders past Heather and steps toward me. “Come on.” He places a hand on my back and steers me inside.

Just before I disappear around the corner, I shoot Cannon one last hateful glare.



Victor and I have a rocky history. Back in college, we both had our sights on the same girl. When she chose me, he didn’t seem bothered. In the two years she and I were together, Victor had slept his way through the sorority houses and then some. I figured he’d moved on, until I came home early from class and caught them fucking in my bed. It was an ugly scene. Names were called, punches were thrown, and threats were made. My girlfriend claimed Victor convinced her that I’d been cheating on her, and she’d only fucked him to get back at me. I never cheated. In fact, I was planning to propose to her after graduation. I’d even bought a ring. Clearly, she wasn’t the girl I thought she was and looking back now, Victor did me a favor. I’d never tell him that though, because I still hate the motherfucker.

Makayla first caught my attention when I spotted her crossing the parking lot with her parents. When I pointed her out, Heather told me her name. And when she marched across the stage to collect her diploma, her bright eyes and beautiful smile graced the big screen overhead and took my breath away. When she walked out of the auditorium toward the one man I hated, knowing he’d just been with Desiree, I saw red.

Now that Desiree no longer wants him, he thinks he can slither his way back into Makayla’s life. I don’t fucking think so.

“We had a deal,” I remind him.

He nods once, shoving his hands into his front pockets. “We did,” he agrees, smirking as if he’s privy to a secret.