Page 43 of Veil

On the ride up to our floor, I say, “I lied.”

“About?” she hedges.

“Heather did mention something.”

Her face scrunches in the most adorable fucking way.

“She told me you saw someone creeping around the apartment.”

“I’m not sure. Maybe they were just walking home.” She shrugs. “I don’t want to make a big deal out of it.”

“I’ll check it out anyway. Magnolia Park is a safe neighborhood, but you should still be careful of your surroundings. Let me know if you see anything else.”

“Thanks.” She nods. “I will.”

I smirk. “Heather also insisted I ask you out.”

She rolls her eyes. “She gets a boyfriend and now she’s playing matchmaker,” She shakes her head in mock disappointment. “It’s like I don’t even know her.” That makes me chuckle. “You’re funny.”

She jerks a shoulder. “I have my moments,” she quips before blowing into the small hole of her coffee lid.

Jesus, those lips.I immediately avert my gaze to the numbers on the elevator panel and pull my shit together before returning my attention to her.

“So, would you be interested in a date?”

The corners of her mouth tip up. “I would,” she drawls, and I’m sensing there’s more.


She shakes her head. “I would like to go out with you. I just don’t want things to be awkward if you decide you don’t like me.”

What’s not to like? She’s fucking perfect.

I raise my brows and smile. “We’re adults, yes?” She nods. “Then let’s agree not to make it awkward. We’ll keep it low key and simple,” I offer.

“Sounds good.”

“Are you free this weekend?”

It’s only a slight flinch, and if I hadn’t been watching for it, I wouldn’t have noticed. “I have plans this weekend. I’m free Sunday, though, or the weekend after?”

“How about dinner Sunday night? There’s a little Italian place in The Village.”


I nod. “That’s the place. Have you been there?”

“No, but Heather said it was good. I’d love to go.”

“Six o’clock?”

She smiles. “It’s a date.”

So close.