He nods thoughtfully. “If he’s a good man. If you’re sure he is, then you should take the leap.”

“Are you serious?”

“Quinn, I’ve had my life. I’ve been blessed to experience the two greatest loves a man can know. First with your mom, and when the world knew she was too perfect and was going to take her, it gave me you.

In all my years the one thing I’ve learned is that love is worth it. Take the leap. Live your life without regrets. Put your heart on the line, and if it doesn’t work out, another door will open because you are ready for it.”

Tears fall and I don’t care. I moisten my lips before speaking. “I’m scared.”

“Of course, you are. Love, real love, is the scariest thing you’ll ever experience. When I saw your mom for the first time I was terrified. I knew, in my bones, she was the one. I knew it but that didn’t mean I was right. I took that leap and you should too.”

“But I’ll have to leave you.”

“Then do it. I couldn’t possibly be prouder. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy.”

“Oh, Daddy.”

He moves around the table with surprising speed and agility, taking me in his arms. I cling to him, unwilling to let him go. We hold each other so tight I can’t take a full breath. He holds me until the tears dry and I’m empty, but warm.

“I love you, Quinn.”

“I love you, Dad, always.”

“You’ll make the right choice. I know you will.”

The enormity of the decisions I must make loom large in my head, but for the moment, they don’t seem so bad.


I storm into the alley,looking for the Druid. When I don’t see him foraging in the trash as usual, I close my eyes, concentrate, and sidestep into the other realm. When I open my eyes, the clearing is empty. I walk the circumference, trailing my hand against the trees.

“Hello, Quinn.”

That’s not the Druid. I spin to face Dugald. He stands in the middle of the clearing and the moon shines on him like a spotlight. My heart quickens. He has his head bowed and his unruly curly hair hides his face. The raven sits on his shoulder, staring with his head cocked to one side and his beak open as if he’s ready to cry out.

I stare at Dugald in silence. He doesn’t look up either, leaving us in an ongoing stalemate. The raven opens and closes its wings as it bobs its head up and down. I wait for him to speak. Trying to will it to happen. I want him to apologize, to explain, to say something. When he doesn’t, I give up and speak.

“You knew.”

He doesn’t move, really, but it looks like a weight presses him down further. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, still not looking up, but his words contradict the action.

“I suspected.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”

I’m oddly calm. Seems to be my new thing and I wonder if this feeling of being slightly detached from the world around me is a gift or a curse. I should be angry. Upset. I am, sort of, but at the same time I’m not.

“I didn’t know… for sure.”

“You didn’t tell me.”

Now the hurt is in my words. The broken trust that I didn’t know I felt with him. If anyone had asked me before this if I trusted Dugald I would have given them a resounding hell no. I did though. Sort of.

“Quinn, I—”

“You. Didn’t. Tell. Me.”

I stomp forward with each word. I clench my hands into fists and the anger that I knew was hiding somewhere comes out in a rush. It makes my blood rise and pound in my head.