“Lot of pressure, huh?” Moira asks.
“You here to tell me what to do too?”
“Tell you?” she laughs, and it sounds like bells tinkling. “No, no. I’m not going to tell you to do anything. I’ll leave that up to all the others.”
“Then why are you here?”
“To help, of course.”
“Of course, you say that like I shouldn’t doubt you. You’re a Fae. I can’t trust any Fae. If I’ve learned anything, that’s it for sure.”
“Yeah, we’re all a bunch of tricksters. But look, Quinn, I’ve tricked you. I admit that freely. You wouldn’t have let me in if I didn’t. If I came to you and said hi, I’m Moira, a Fae, tell me, truly, that you wouldn’t have sent me packing?”
“I would have had a choice.”
“Okay, but is that your answer to the question?”
“No.” She smiles and her eyes sparkle with delight. She’s enjoying this a lot more than I am. I throw my hands up. “Fine, you’re right. I would have ignored you.”
“And I did what I had to do to get to know you. I could have come to you like Dugald or any of the others and pushed you towards my own ends, but I didn’t. I have gotten to know you. I like to think I know you pretty well.”
“Do you?”
She shrugs. “I’ve made an effort to, yes.”
“Like what? What do you know about me?”
“That you’re normally not this indecisive. That you’re feeling the weight of the decisions you’re being asked to make because you know, deep inside, that they are bigger than any decision you’ve ever made. That the fear of making the wrong decision has left you paralyzed.”
Her words have so much truth in them that it hurts. Pressure builds in my chest and it’s getting harder to breathe.
“And what am I supposed to do about it?”
“First, I’d say relax. You’re right, you don’t know enough to decide. So don’t.”
“Don’t decide. Make them wait. Leave them hanging. To hell with all of them.”
That is so unexpected it leaves me in confusion. Since she’s a Fae I had assumed she’d be pushing for me to decide to save magic and her world but she’s not. As much as it brings a relief, it also makes me suspicious.
“Why aren’t you on board with saving magic?”
“If magic needs saving, then let it save itself. There is plenty of magic in this world. It’s all around us. It’s there.” She motions towards the kids playing. “It’s here.” She holds up her cell phone. “There is no shortage of magic and wonder. Only a lack of appreciation.”
It feels like my insides are twisting and untwisting. I moisten my lips, then shake my head.
“That’s a different viewpoint.”
“Isn’t it though?” She shrugs and chuckles. “I wonder if that’s why they don’t like me?”
“Who is they?”
“You know, Dugald, the others like him.”
I study her face but there’s not a hint of animosity in it. She smiles, laughs, and it all seems genuine. What am I missing?
“What about Duncan?”