Page 98 of Just Shred

“Let’s go,” he whines. “I promise you can punish me all you want tonight for keeping you on read.”

“Asshole,” I grumble.

His eyes are full of mischief. “I got them,” he says, his voice smooth and deep. “I got them all.”

“And?” I ask. “You didn’t think it would be nice to reply?”

“Nope,” he answers.

“Not everything is a joke,” I say, walking past him. He follows me and grabs my arm, swinging me around, and I barrel into his chest.

He pushes me against the hood of his truck and keeps me captive between his strong arms. His smile comes ever so slowly. “I got them, babe. I just didn’t want to answer them,” he states and waggles his brows like this is all a game; it probably is for him.

“Fuck you,” I bite out, pushing my ass off his car.

He shoves me back when I try to leave. “Hear me out. If I’d answered, I would have taken the first fucking flight back home, and been right back into your bed.” He makes a sound deep and low in his broad chest when I avoid his intense stare. “I couldn’t risk it.”

“Risk what, Jesse? You know I have more fucking self-respect than for you to play with me.”

He grabs my chin, and I can’t take my eyes from his. “Ace,” he whispers. “I’m sorry.”

“He’s sorry,” I bite out, and that same cocky half smile I missed these last week’s lights up his face. Music drifts down when a couple of guys walk onto to the balcony above us.

“Hey, bro,” Gibb yells, leaning against the railing looking down. “Everything okay?”

“It will be,” Jesse says, still staring at me. “I’m taking Ace home with me. If her brother wants to know before he beats my ass for kidnapping her.”

“I’ll tell him,” Gibb promises, shrugging and flashing me an apologetic smile.

“You coming?” Jesse asks, motioning with his chin in the direction of his truck.

“I—” I begin, not knowing what to answer. Of course, I want to go with him, but this doesn’t change the fact this guy knows how to mess with my heart.

“Come back to my place, babe,” he says, his perfect smile making me shiver. He holds the door open for me. “Get in, Lemmy.”

“Damn you, Jesse,” I say, but hop in the car anyway. When he gets behind the wheel, his sexy lopsided smug smile lights up my aching heart.

It doesn’t take him long to drive us to his place. Luckily, he turns on the surround sound, and I stare out the window listening to Billie Eilish filling the car with her soothing voice.

He parks the truck next to his tiny house. “I’m renting out the cabin.”

Without talking, I follow him. It’s freezing inside.

“Fuck,” he swears. “It’s colder than being up on the mountain in here. Give me a sec,” he says, turning on the lights before he heads outside and leaves me alone.

I make tea, and when he comes back, he has his arms full of logs. Within a couple of minutes, he gets a fire going, and the warmth heats my cheeks. I take off my jacket and he smiles when he reads the script on my shirt.

“‘Paddle faster. I hear banjo music.’ Isn’t that from Deliverance, babe?” he asks.

“Yeah.” I smile. Damn, every time we’re together, he reminds me we like the same things, movies, music. I don’t know what to do, so I hand him the tea I made. He takes it with both hands, placing it on the table near the window, then takes off his jacket, draping it over mine on the back of the only comfy chair in the place.

He has his arms crossed when he turns. “Okay, let’s get one thing straight first before I fuck your brains out. After, we can do all the talking you’d like.”

“Pretty cocky of you,” I say, hopping onto the counter of his kitchen.

He rubs his thumb back and forth over his bottom lip before he answers, “I know you happen to like my cock, Ace of Spades.”

I stick out my tongue at him, and he chuckles.