Page 92 of Just Shred

“Great… an email. What, are you setting up a business meeting or something? I think the fact he hasn’t called or texted lays it out nice and clear,” I groan. I need to stop pining for the guy. We had a nice time, that’s all we had, and all we are ever going to have.

“So what?” Layne asks.

“So what? I’m being ignored, total radio silence. Like he’s moved on. Thanks for the sex and the laughs, but now I’m bored out of my mind. So I’m going back to my life without you in it,” I grumble.

“That must be it.” He shrugs.

“Layne,” Angie says as a warning.

He holds up his hands. “Okay, I’ll refrain from commenting. You staying for lunch, sis?”

“Why not,” I say, and he starts to set the table.

“Could be he is just busy and has put you on the back burner,” he yells from the kitchen.

“Nice, really nice, bro.”

“Only telling it like it is.”

“Don’t go there,” Angie warns.

“I need to, Ange. Better she hears it from me than you girls dissecting something which probably shouldn’t have been alive in the first place,” he says without a doubt in his voice.

Angie heads into the kitchen, and I follow her.

“Really?” I don’t know if I want to hear what he has to say. He has a tendency to be right most of the time.

“He’s just not that into you,” he says.

Angie and I both say, “No,” at the same time. And I can’t help but laugh.

“I know what you are saying, I do.” I take my seat at the kitchen island and grin, loving how in sync they are working together in the kitchen.

He smiles, taking the salad from Angie.

I look around the kitchen at the new wooden sculpture Angie made of a couple hugging each other standing in the corner. The lovers mold together as one near the top. It’s beautiful.

“Wow, that’s awesome, Ange,” I tell her.

“Thanks, hon, just finished it. Already got a commission to make a couple for the local hospital,” she says, sounding proud.

“That’s awesome,” I tell her. “I’m sorry, guys. I have the feeling I’m always running to you to talk about my boring problems.”

“Don’t you dare, Acie. You are my best friend; that’s what we are for. You had to listen to me go on and on about this one here for years when he was ignoring me.” She huffs and winks at me.

“Hey, I liked you.” Layne laughs. She gives him a kiss, and he grins.

“Honey, let me tell you this: love is a strange thing,” Angie says, looking at Layne.

“Yeah, sis, I knew Angie for over ten years. I can still remember the first time I saw her when you two were sharing an apartment,” he says, taking her hand in his. “I liked her, I really did.”

“Thank you, Layne,” she jokes.

“Don’t mention it,” he replies, winking at her. “She was your friend, Acie, and I always liked her, but it took a layover in New York to fall in love with her. Sometimes us guys need a wakeup call to make us see what is right in front of us.” He chuckles, handing me the Philly cheese steak he’s been whipping up.

“Damn, this smells good,” I moan, taking a bite.

I spend the rest of the day at their place. Angie shows me the baby’s room they’ve started decorating. I’m sitting on their porch when I decide that enough is enough. I’m gonna stop wallowing and move on.Let’s just call it like it is; I had fun. He made me laugh. He taught me how to snowboard again. He picked me up when I needed it. And he let go. Maybe I should do the same.