Page 8 of Just Shred

I quickly look away and almost lose my balance, but he holds me up. “I have two.”

“I have one. He is a pain in my ass, but I love the dimwit anyway.” He smiles.

I focus on my board again, tensing up.

Somehow, he senses it. “Don’t look down, look at me. And try to relax. Snowboarding should be fun.”

“You’re telling me,” I mumble, and he snickers.

“You’re focusing way too hard. Relax, nothing is going to happen. I’ve got you.”

I stare at his face, trying not to look into his eyes but failing miserably. The guy has crazy beautiful silver gray-blue eyes depending on the light. I slide a little forward and grab his hands tighter. Leaning back, I slowly regain control of the board.

“That’s it,” he drawls, while we turn again. “So the party?”

I groan. “I’m going to be the only girl with twelve guys who like to throw them back.”

“Hold up,” he says, stepping with his boot on his board and sliding a little faster with me.

“And Shane has been riding since he was twelve, and he was supposed—” I clasp my big fat mouth shut.

Jesse leans back a little, so we’re not moving as fast as we were. “So this Shane is the one who was supposed to teach you?”

“How did you know?” I ask, pushing his slipping helmet back a little with my free hand.

“The way you say his name.” He looks at me with a question in his eyes.

“I don’t know what you mean?” I let go of one hand, still holding on to his other hand with my right.

“He …” I begin, trying to find the words.

“He stood you up,” Jesse answers, matter of fact.

“No, he didn’t. He was just busy.” I shake my head, getting pissed.

The look in his eyes changes like he knows something I don’t. “Probably the reason why you were sitting there for half an hour, looking longingly at your phone.”

“I wasn’t looking longingly at my phone,” I grit out through clenched teeth. Sliding and making a turn, like I never stopped riding in the first place.

“Think you were, babe.” He shakes his head.

“No, I wasn’t. I was angry you almost knocked me over,” I tell him, pushing a finger in his chest.

“Maybe that was my plan all along to get you to notice me?” Jesse says, his mouth turning upward while we slide. And we come to a full stop.

“Does that actually work?” I ask.

“I don’t know, you tell me?” he asks, raising a brow as a challenge, and taking a step toward me. I’m still holding on to him, and we’ve stopped moving because I’m kind of shaking.

“You are—” I begin, but I lose my balance. He puts his arm around my waist, holding me up. The heat of his breath tickles my lips, and I melt into him, totally forgetting I was ready to insult the cocky asshole again.

He grins, never breaking eye contact. “You made it.”

“Made what?” Placing my hands flat on his chest, he plucks the helmet from my head.

“Look around, Ace. You shredded.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask him, but then the little kids on their snowboards pass and ski around us, and the music from the shops is much louder than before.