Page 44 of Just Shred

“Hah, is this a ploy to get me naked?” I ask, pulling my sweater over my head.

He stands there, gaping at me, with a tomato in his hand, his mouth hanging open.

I grin. “Now don’t look so scared. Do you have anything for me to wear?”

“I’m not scared,” he grunts and pouts at the same time. The badass snowboarder looks cute. He points to a closet. “In there, you can pick out whatever you want. If you want to take a shower, it’s through that blue door. I’ve got some clothes in another closet there as well.”

“Thanks.” I smile, closing the door. I strip, pulling a towel around me. Opening his closet, I let my fingers skim over his clothes. There is a shirt and sweatpants hanging over a chair in the bathroom he probably wore before our adventure on the mountain this morning. I grab the long-sleeved shirt with Aspen printed on the side. I hold it to my face; it actually smells like Jesse. I groan as the familiar scent fills my nose.

He knocks on the door, and I almost drop his shirt. “Did you find everything okay?” he asks from behind the closed door.

“Yeah, I did,” I reply, pulling the towel tighter to my body. I pull my hair free from my ponytail and hold my breath. “Jesse?”

“Yeah?” he asks. I slowly open the door. He is leaning against the doorframe with both hands on the wall. When he looks up from staring at the floor, he locks eyes with me. The guy has that brooding look down to a T.

His hair is a little disheveled, like he has been running his hands through it. I take a deep, shuddering breath before I ask, “Why did you leave last night?”

“Leave?” he asks. Taking a step back, he crosses his arms in front of him and looks out the opposite window.

“Come on, why?” I ask, leaning against the doorframe.

He locks eyes with me. Slowly running a hand across his scruff, he takes a step in my direction. I hold my breath, anticipating what he’s going to do. With some hesitation, he brushes my hair behind my ear. His fingers linger on my jaw, moving up to my lips, and I can’t help it when I melt into his touch. Something about the way he caresses me makes my stomach do a little backflip. We catch each other’s stares and both blush at the same time.

“Damn, babe, because I didn’t want him on your mind while it should’ve been me,” he whispers, leaning forward, his lips an inch away from my own.

“I’m sorry, Jesse,” I say, my mouth dry.

“You piss me off, babe,” he says, holding me captive with those gray eyes of his.

“I try.” I smile.

“Take a shower and make me dinner, woman,” he orders playfully, boxing me in against the door.

“You melt my heart. That’s so nineteen fifty-five of you. It’s sad you don’t have an apron I can use,” I say, teasing him.

He salutes me. “Call me a working-class hero.” He pulls back, making me want more.

“Way to build up the anticipation, snowboard guy.”

“We still got tonight,” he says. I push him away from me, out of the bathroom. “Get out and let me take a shower.”

Laughing, he digs his heels in and grabs hold of the doorframe. The man is strong. I keep pushing and smiling until my grip starts to slip, and his eyes travel down to my almost coming undone towel. “Don’t you want me to soap up your back?” He pouts.

So not going to happen.

“Get out,” I order, closing the door in his face. I hear him laughing through it as he puts on some BTS tune, to my surprise.

After I take a quick shower, I slip into his clothes. They swamp my frame, but I don’t care. I search the floor for my panties and bra, but I can’t find them anywhere. Did he take them?

“Hey,” I say, walking into the living area.

“Hey,” he returns, looking up from behind his laptop. There is music softly playing in the background. He has even dimmed the lights a little. Don’t know why this makes me blush again. I pull at his clothes like they’re not already covering every part of my body.

He smiles when he looks at the stuff I’m wearing. “I do have smaller shirts from my brother in there, but I have to admit, you wearing my shit is hot,” he says, pointing to the sweatpants and T-shirt I have on.

I hug myself. “I’m not taking them off; they are so comfy.”

He runs his thumb along his bottom lip. “Guess we’ll see how long that’s gonna last.”