Page 94 of Just Shred

I shake my head. “I hear you.”

He holds my gaze. “What do you want me to get you?”

“A ginger ale, if the bartender has that.” For some reason, I can’t stop drinking ginger ales. I didn’t even like them before.

“He better, with what we’re paying,” Shane says, walking to the front, and the people part like he’s Moses. “One ginger ale, and a white russian,” he orders. The guy immediately starts to mix, and before I know it, we have drinks in our hands.

“Wanna go outside to get some air?” he asks while I keep looking around to see if Jesse is really here.

“Sure, why not.”

All the girls give me looks when Shane and I head to one of the balconies. Can’t blame them; he still has his GQ cover model look down to a T.

“Wow, this is a beautiful place,” I say, taking in the wooden structure of the house and tilting my head back to look at the stars lining the night’s sky. I swallow hard when I think back to the time when Jesse took me home to the house he built himself. Maybe I should just go once I finish my drink.

“How have you been, Ace?” Shane asks, giving me a reassuring smile.

“Falling apart,” I joke.

He shakes his head. “Your brother told me about your guy.”

“He has a name, Shane.” I laugh.

“Jesse,” he says. We both take a sip from our drinks, looking out toward the mountains.

I hum to the beat of one of Ronnie’s favorite songs coming over the speakers.

“Fuck,” I whisper. I close my eyes for a moment. “He loved The Eagles.”

“Don’t remind me,” Shane says, the side of his mouth twitching. “You remember when we took that road trip to Arches National Park? He had them on repeat the whole damn way.”He grins, shaking his head.

“That’s right.” I forgot. “He brought me my first record player. I still have it somewhere at my parents’ place.”

“I didn’t notice a lot of things back then,” Shane whispers, resting his arms on the wooden railing. “I think I always loved him even when we were kids,” he says, holding my gaze while he lights a cigarette. “And I guess that’s the reason why I never said no to those eyes of yours, because each time I look at you, I see Ronnie,” he says, his voice cracking. He wipes a hand through his hair and blows out the smoke through his nose.

“Don’t make the same mistakes I made.”

“It’s easier said than done.” I smile awkwardly.

“I recognize that look in your eyes,” he says.

“What look?” I ask, brushing both hands through my hair.

“You have real feelings for him,” he answers, leaning against the railing.

“I tried not to,” I whisper, a lonely tear escaping over my cheek.

He smiles. “Join the club, but just don’t waste your time on a guy who isn’t willing to fight to have you.”

“I hear you. Layne told me the same thing.” I huff out a long breath.

“Shane,” a guy’s voice calls. It’s his colleague, Nick, standing in the doorway.

“What’s up?” he asks, his cheeks flushing when he stares at Nick.

“There are some people here for you to meet,” he answers, giving me a small, friendly nod.

“Tell them I’m coming in a bit.” Shane’s voice is a little breathless.