Page 67 of Just Shred

I turn around and hug my brother. “What the hell are you doing here?” I smile, a little embarrassed, punching Layne in the shoulder when he lets me go.

“I could ask you the same thing,” he says, kissing my forehead. “I’m sorry, kid, for what I said before,” he whispers in my ear.

“I’m sorry too, bro,” I say, hugging him even tighter. I can’t stay mad at the guy when he’s telling the truth. “Where is Angie?”

He lets me go. “She was a little tired. I came here with Dad to do the obligatory rounds. He must be here somewhere,” he says, and I know I can’t avoid my dad for too long.

Jesse slides up next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Layne, this is Jesse,” I tell my brother.

The boys shake hands. “Nice to meet you. Hey, you’re that Winchester kid who’s been tearing up the slopes, aren’t you?”

“Some might say that,” Jesse says, his smile a mile wide.

Gibb holds out his hand as well.

“Layne Kurton. Nice to meet you,” my brother says, shaking Gibb’s hand, and my stomach drops and sweat breaks out all over my body.

Gibb’s eyes go wide, and recognition slowly registers on Jesse’s face. He glares from me to my brother.

“Kurton? You mean Kurton? Like the brand, my sponsor?” Jesse demands, sounding angry and hurt at the same time, although he tries to hide it.

Layne furrows his brows. “Yeah, we sponsor the best ones in the game. I’m usually deep in the numbers. I really need to get out more,” Layne laughs and stops talking, probably sensing I screwed up.

“Enough about me,” Layne says, when he catches my stare. “Gibb, why don’t we have a chat about next season?” Gibb looks at us and nods. “Why not?” he asks as they walk away.

“Babe,” Jesse begins before a couple of guys I recognize from the X Games congratulate him and start up a conversation.

I take the coward’s way out and with, “I’m going to get a drink,” and I leave him alone, before Jesse has a chance to run after me. Without stopping, I head outside to the deck. There are only a handful of people outside smoking cigarettes, and a couple of joints by the smell of it.

I grab the railing and hear an all too familiar voice behind me. “Hiya, kid,” my dad says. I turn around and look into the face of my hero, and the man I blame for everything that happened with Ronnie. His hair is longer than I remember, with streaks of gray in it. He has the whole mountain man vibe down to perfection, finishing the picture with a flannel shirt and boots.

“Hi, Dad,” I whisper.

He grunts and takes me into his arms for an awkward hug, then lets me go after a soft kiss on the top of my head.

“Where’s Mom?” I ask, looking up into his eyes.

“She’s not here. She wanted to go back home while I make the rounds,” he explains, leaning against the railing and crossing his legs by the ankles.

“I don’t blame her.” I awkward smile, joining him where he stands.

“What does that mean, kiddo?” he mumbles, smoking his cigarette.

“You know what it means. We both hate things like this,” I grumble, brushing a hand through my hair.

“I saw you came in with the Winchester kid,” he says, trying to hide his smile behind his hand, before he puts out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray.

“I did. I didn’t know he was part of the Kurton team until today, though,” I groan, covering my face with my hands.

He lays his hand on my shoulder. “We miss you, baby. Come home,” he whispers.

“I miss you guys too. And I can’t seem to leave the snow behind, Dad, and I don’t think I want to anymore,” I tell him before the floodgates open.

“Come here,” he says, holding out his arms, and I hug him. Although I’m still mad as hell, I love the guy. He lets me go and brushes an awkward hand through his hair.

“Your mom really wants you to come over. You know she’s been asked to pose again,” he tells me.

“Mom’s still a centerfold.” I grin.