Page 117 of Just Shred

He glowers at me. “Damn, when did we become so domesticated?”

We both burst out laughing at the same time. He pushes his boxers down his legs and takes my panties and shorts with him. Lifting my shirt over my head, he smiles, and when we are skin to skin under the blankets, I trail my finger over his parted lips.

“What is it?” He drops his forehead against mine.

I wiggle underneath him. My hard nipples brush against his chest, and he moans, pressing his lips against mine. He braces an arm above my head. I grab his throbbing erection and guide him deep inside me. He swears as he bottoms out.

His thrusts are slow at first. “Damn, this is going to be over quicker than I thought, Ace,” he says apologetically.

“Give me what you got, snowboard guy,” I tell him, kissing his temple. He growls as I meet his thrusts, building with each swirl of his hips and impatient kisses.

He pinches my puckered nipple, and I mewl under his touch. He never ceases to amaze me. Our lovemaking is always different, and searing hot at the same time, even if it’s for a quick five minutes or an hour.

He plunges in deep, his cock jerking against my inner walls, and I pant in his arms.

“Shh, babe.” He grins. “Don’t want to wake the kids.”

He locks his eyes on mine and slams in deep. The building orgasm takes me by surprise. He seals his mouth on top of mine to muffle my scream.

He arches his back. I clasp my inner walls together, and he falls over the brink, shooting his cum deep inside me, collapsing on top of me. The weight of him knocks the wind right out of my lungs.

“Babe,” I whisper, trailing my nails over his back.

“Can’t move,” he grunts, not bothering to turn on his side. He leans up on his forearms, and I push his hair behind his ears. “I love you, Ace of Spades.”

“I love you too, Jesse.” I get lost in his embrace and feel sleep taking over.

“Sleep some more,” he whispers, and I close my eyes.

“We’ll be up on the mountain,” he says in my ear, as I get comfortable.

“Be careful, hon,” I reply, watching him jump out of bed, walking into the bathroom, his firm ass bringing a content smile to my face as I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake to the sound of little feet running down the stairs. “Bye, mom,” I hear Dean and Sammie yell from downstairs.

“Bye, babies,” I say. I grab my robe and jump out of bed. Jesse’s already dressed in full gear and halfway down the stairs. I hang over the railing and wave at the kids. Dean has the same long hair as his dad, although his gray eyes are a shade darker. He’s a little badass with more eyes for the dirt bike Jesse got him last Christmas than for school. Sammie, on the other hand, is my reflection with her auburn locks, and she’s got her dad’s eyes. She’s as beautiful on the outside as on the inside.

“Bye, mom.” Sammie waves.

“Bye, honey, have fun with daddy. And Dean, stay close to him, okay?” I tell him, blowing him a kiss.

“Sure, Mom,” he whines, puffing out his chest.

Jesse stands on the tips of his toes and kisses me.

“Come on, Dad,” Dean drawls.

I giggle. “Have fun, munchkins,” I say, letting go of Jesse’s cheek.

“Bye.” They both wave, running out the door.

“Babe,” Jesse calls up the stairs. “It’s going down tonight,” he says, waggling his eyebrows. I wink at him and watch him walk out the door.

I turn on my bike and smile, looking at the log cabin and listening to the roar of Ronnie’s motorcycle. We lived in my friend’s apartment for the first two years, while Jesse spent a couple of months expanding our beautiful log mansion, as he calls it, with Gibb and both our dads. I love the place we made for ourselves, with the view of the lake and the trees surrounding us. I push the helmet over my face and slowly roll down the driveway. I never imagined a wild one like Jesse Winchester could steal and heal my broken heart.

We even went up on the mountain together. We laid flowers on the spot where Ronnie died. I made my peace up there with him by my side. We still have many roads to ride together, and I’m not afraid to share Jesse with the mountains. Sometimes I catch him staring at me when he thinks I’m busy working on my laptop. The love reflected in his eyes for me and the kids makes it hard to breathe sometimes. He is my best friend and the love of my life. Although he’s on the road about sixty percent of the time, it doesn’t bother me anymore. He always lets me know when he’s about to drop into a halfpipe, and when he’s about to do some dangerous stunts.

I make my way to the parking lot near the beginners’ slopes. Traffic is still light this early in the morning, and after I park my bike, a couple of locals greet me. The Hideout is located at the base of Buttermilk Mountain, an ideal setting for the kids to learn how to snowboard. Jesse also takes them up on the mountain sometimes, to get them used to the wide-open spaces, and they love it.