Page 96 of X My Heart

“Horseshit,” I yell, throwing my drink in the sand. She takes a step away from me. Her eyes dart to the party, wide, alarmed. The music is blaring through the speakers and I spot Drew and Timothy talking angrily with each other, not noticing our little screaming match.

“I … I …” she stammers, turning away from me.

“What? I gave you space. I guessed that was what you wanted, but time’s up. I’m done playing Mister Roll-Over Lay-Down,” I roar, grabbing her by the arm. “Tell me what the fuck is going on. Let me in there!” My voice cracks as I point to her heart.

“Let go of my arm,” she bites out. Shaking off my hand, she walks away, dumping her cup next to the keg.

“Don’t walk away from me. Fucking fire away. Hit me with your best shot, Sky. I can take it. Why? Can’t you? Huh?” I yell. People are watching us as I run after her. Stumbling through the sand, she falls face forward onto her hands.

“Oh no, Sky,” I say, already hot on her heels, I hope she hasn’t hurt herself.

She brushes the sand from her palms. “What do you want from me?” she screams, still sitting on the ground like she’s a lost little girl.

“What do I want from you?” I yell back. “I want you. Damn it, Sky, I want you.”

“You don’t want me,” she murmurs, her face wet from her tears.

“Is everything all right?” Ryan asks from behind us.

“Yes, thank you, Ryan,” she mutters, wiping the sand from her dress, ignoring my outstretched hand.

I spin around. “This doesn’t fucking concern you, so get lost.”

Ryan helps Sky up.

“Get your hands off her.” I grunt, balling my fists, ready to strike.

“Hunter,” Sky pleads, locking eyes with me.

“What is your problem, man?” Ryan gets right in my face.

I hit him in his chest with my flat palms. “Don’t even try me, man,” I roar.

Ryan pushes me in my stomach. I’ve had enough of this shit. I need to end this or end him once and for all. “Do you want to have a go?” I ask, cracking my knuckles, shoving him away from me again.

“Yeah, let’s settle this,” he taunts, rolling his shoulders.

Before I can throw the first punch, Drew grabs both my arms. Timothy takes Ryan in a choke hold.

“Let it go,” Drew commands, his voice serious. I grit my teeth and shrug his hands off me.

“Don’t ever touch her again,” I tell Ryan, pointing a finger in his face.

Lydia stands back, taking Ryan’s hand in hers with tears in her eyes. Shit, what have I done? What the fuck are we doing?

I grab Sky’s arm and pull her with me to the truck.

“Let me go.” She doesn’t scream but her body trembles. I’m done waiting for her to explain to me why she’s avoiding me. She plants her feet in the sand, trying to get me to stop but I’m a man on a mission. I open the passenger side of the truck and throw her in, then slam the door shut.

She kicks the side and grabs the handle, trying to open the door, but I’ve already locked it from the outside.

I get into the driver’s seat and Drew runs up to the car. “Hunt, don’t drive. You drank too much,” he pleads.

I turn the key, the engine roaring to life. Opening the window, I bite out, “It was fucking soda, asshole.” I flip him off.

Timothy grabs hold of Drew’s hand. “Let them go,” he says, but he slides his finger across his neck, like he’s going to kill me if I hurt her. I salute him, and the asshole laughs, doing the same.

I put the car in first gear and speed away. I’m barely out of the parking lot when she starts to scream at me to stop. I shake my head and hit the gas pedal, flying across the road.