Page 94 of X My Heart

“Would you like to come to a party?” Drew asks Sky.

“What party?” she says, while taking a couple of glasses to the kitchen.

“Down at the beach,” Drew replies with a smile.

It’s like she forgot the way we made love. The way I held her during the night. What we talked about. I can’t understand what I’ve done to make her pull away from me like she has. Then again, I can’t really blame her. I told her all those things about me. My past is playing catch up, and I hate myself because of it. I hate that I told her about my demons when I knew it would only push her away in the end. I shouldn’t let anyone get this close again.

Jay and Mac help her clean the table. I’m still grabbing the armrests on the armchair, almost breaking it in two with sheer willpower, hoping there isn’t any smoke coming out of my ears.

“You kids go.” Jay smiles.

“We’ll get our hands dirty.” Mac nods. “Let the old guys worry about the dishes.”

Sky’s eyes narrow on me. I shift in the chair, and my dick twitches. Those fucking doll eyes somehow always get me hard. I give her a cold stare in response.

“Yes, I’ll go,” she says. “Give me a couple minutes to get ready.”

She disappears up the stairs.

When Drew and I are the only ones sitting outside, I officially lose it. “Damn, dude!”

“What?” Drew asks innocently. The fucker is up to something.

“What are you doing?”

A smug smile shifts his lips. The bastard planned this. “Oh, this morning you told me you weren’t going.” He feigns innocence.

“I wasn’t, but now I definitely am.” I growl, standing abruptly, the chair falling backwards.

“Who is going?” Sky asks, while I grab the chair and put it upright. My mouth dries. She’s wearing a tight-fitting black dress, the same she wore that night in the truck when we fucked. Her cleavage is on mouthwatering display. Our eyes meet, and she immediately looks away.

Drew whistles. “Girl, you’re hot. Sorry I don’t swing your way or I would totally go for you.”

I punch his shoulder with my fist.

“Aw, what was that for?” he asks, cradling the injured spot.

“For being a dick,” I grumble, storming to my truck. Looks like I’m going to the fucking party now.

On the drive over, I do everything in my power not to stare at her naked legs. Fuck, that dress. I need to bite the inside of my cheek so I don’t let out a groan. I’m constantly shifting in my seat.

Sky wets her lips. She can’t not notice the bulge in my black jeans. Shit.

She ties her long hair back when I stop the car next to the water’s edge, spotting Timothy walking up to our truck. Fucking fantastic.

Drew jumps out. “Later, guys!”

The bastard even has an escape plan—to ditch me with Sky while he’s going off doing God knows what with his new boyfriend.

Timothy hugs Sky when she exits the car. I walk over to them and shake his hand.

“Hi, man. You good?” he says calmly, while we break knuckles. Dude is a freaking terminator with his shaved head and defiant blank stare.

I grin at him, giving him a chin-tip and wanting to punch him in his smug face at the same time. “Yeah, are you?” I drawl.

“Come on,” Drew says, taking Timothy’s hand, and pulling him toward the bonfire glowing in the distance on the beach. Timothy grins at me. The guy is not fazed at all, and I like him even more because of it.

“Play nice, children.” Tim waves, draping an arm over Drew’s shoulder. He whispers something in my best friend’s ear, making him laugh.