Page 63 of X My Heart

“Lord have mercy,” I mutter under my breath.

“You could stay here and do nothing or you could come with me.” She lifts a brow like a dare. “But if you’re too chicken, then stay in the car.” I follow her out of the truck.

“No one calls me chicken shit,” I yell, slamming my door shut, and catch up to her.

“Didn’t think Mister Tough Guy had it in him.” She grins.

“Yeah, well, whatever,” I mumble, gazing at my shoes as I walk to avoid ogling her again.

She gives me a sideways glance I try to ignore, but my lips hike up anyway.

I hold the door open for her to enter. The air-conditioning inside the mall cools me instantly.

“Please let this nightmare end,” I joke as we walk inside.

“Oh, lighten up,” she teases, linking our arms together.

“Wait here while I pop into the pharmacy,” she tells me, guiding me to a lounge area where a couple other guys are waiting. She pushes me down and I take a seat. “I’ll be right back.”

She leaves me alone and enters the store.

“Girlfriends, man. They like to shop,” one of the other guys says, staring at a game he’s playing on his phone.

“Yeah,” I return. I slump down further into the seat and close my eyes hoping to get myself under control.

Someone grabs my shoulder and instinctively I hold the fucker’s wrist ready to strike.

“You okay?” she asks, clutching a paper bag in her arms.

“I’m sorry, I was just resting my eyes for a bit,” I mutter, letting her go. Standing, I yawn.

She grins up at me and I return her smile.

“Come on. I checked out the map, and I know where to go.” She beams, tugging on the sleeve of my shirt.

I follow her through the mall. A couple of young girls pass us and giggle. They give Sky jealous looks, and I don’t know why it makes me smile even wider.

“Oh my God, do girls always stare at you like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like they want to have you for dinner?”

I chuckle. “Probably dessert, don’t you think. Or the appetizer in your case, babe.”

She snorts and studies me from under those thick black lashes. “If you say whipped cream, so help me.” She swallows, staring at my pierced lip. “There’s the store,” she says, pointing, and her cheeks flame red.

“Really? I thought you meant a Walmart or something.” I’ve never been in a shop like this before, all pink and shit, and full of scraps of lace that pass for lingerie. Man, this is not a good idea, imagining her in those little, teeny, tiny… fuck.

“Are you coming, or are you scared?”

I didn’t know I’d stopped walking. I flash her my best devilish grin. “No.” I don’t sound even remotely like myself.

“Well, let’s go then.”

Swearing under my breath a couple of times, I follow her in like a damn puppy.

All the girls in the store gape at me when we enter.