Page 59 of X My Heart


Straddling my bike, I slide my helmet on. Revving the engine, I ride off, leaving my sponsor’s place in my rearview mirror. Why do I keep thinking about her face? The way her brown eyes would light up as we were talking about second chances, or how she melted in my arms when I kissed her? The time we fucked in the truck was mind blowing, but kissing her, really holding her and tasting her was like I took the first step to something new, something real.

Bill, my NA sponsor, knew something was up. I’ve never smiled so much in my whole damn life as I have since last night. For the first time, I told Bill I was sober—no drugs and no drinking. Damn, but I keep imagining her full lips kissing mine, even though I know having real fucking feelings for her could ruin everything between me and Jay by being with her. She can’t be my new drug.

The light turns red and I come to a full stop, thinking about the way Sky looks at me with distrust, with curiosity, the way she furrowed her brow when she took her first sip from the drink I bought her. The way she sucked on the straw went straight to my dick.

I can’t believe I kissed her like that. How she pressed her breasts against my chest was sexy as hell. I’d never gotten that hard before from a kiss alone. Bucking under me, and rocking her hips as I made her come in the confinement of the truck is one sweet memory. I’d never lost myself like that.

But the conversation I had with Jay about staying away from her keeps occupying my mind. And the way Timothy winked at me when he caught me kissing her forehead after our fucking epic kiss? What was that all about? Like the fucker knows something I don’t.

She should stay far away from me—I’ve slept with too many chicks. BMX takes me on the road for the better part of the year. Maybe they’re right. I’m an asshole. What will keep me from tossing her aside like I do with all the other women in my life? Chasing that gold has always been more important than building a life with someone.

She will.It echoes through my head. Something about Sky is different. It’s like I care, like I’m slowly falling for her.

What the actual fuck?

A car honks behind me. “Move your bike!” A guy yells.

I look up at the green light. Shit.

Flipping him off, I speed away. Maybe some perspective will do me good.

I turn onto the road leading to the house, and she’s sitting on the porch steps, reading a book. My hands start to sweat, and my heartbeat hammers in my ears. Maybe she is sitting there waiting for me. We didn’t talk more about that night in the truck, and I don’t blame her. It was just sex. But could that kiss lead to something?

Yeah, not in a million years.

But when I turn off the engine and swing my leg over the bike, she’s watching me. And I have to turn my head away before she catches me swooning like a school girl. Actually swooning damn it.

Drew is already taking out the bikes for the kids. I love training the little hellraisers as part of the program we started a year ago. Most come from broken homes and don’t have enough money to take the bus out here, or pay for a bike and gear of their own. I fund everything through my winner earnings; that’s why it’s important to keep fucking winning. For myself and those kids. I can’t afford any distractions.

“Hey, man,” Drew says, pulling me from my thoughts.

I salute him. “Need help?”

“No, think I’ve got everything ready. Get your ass over here,” he jokes, slapping my butt.

“You know, pinching this ass is going to cost you cleaning duty.” I laugh, shaking my butt in his direction.

“Will you ever stop making those lame jokes?”

“No,” I state, trying to kiss his cheek, but he shoves me playfully away. “I think that’s gonna be Timothy’s job from now on, isn’t it? Judging by the way you fucked him with your eyes.”

“Jackass.” Drew laughs.

I spend the rest of the day teaching the kids new tricks, and how to balance their bikes against the starting gate. Some get it on the first try; others need a little more work. But, all in all, it’s a good day.

I say goodbye to the munchkins and head inside the garage, leaving Drew with some of the parents asking him questions about next year at the track. I’m going to buy new bikes for them—call it an early Christmas present.

As I brush the sweat from my forehead, Sky strides up to me. Faded, torn skinny jeans hug her curves, and her white shirt leaves little to the imagination. She twirls a stray lock of hair around her finger like she always does when she’s nervous. Why do I even know that shit?

“Hey, you sleep okay?” I ask, sounding like a moron. Fuck, can she see from the look on my face I jerked off to the memory of her lips and the way her breasts pressed against my chest last night?

Throwing the soaked through towel on the workbench in the garage, I sigh. I need to figure my shit out when it comes to her.

She eyes me warily and nods. “Yes, I did. I had fun last night. But I thought about what happened in the truck—don’t you think it was—”

“A mistake,” I finish for her, judging by the look on her face.