Page 37 of X My Heart

“I’m getting there,” she mumbles, her voice tender. “I’m in a fucked up mood, Hunter, I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” I offer, “I wrote the fucking manual.”

She snorts at that, and my heart slams in my chest. This girl fucking gets to me without even trying.

I shake my head. “Are you avoiding me or something?”

She closes her eyes and takes a shuddering breath. “Maybe I am,” she whispers.

I sit up again, brushing the sand from my hands. “I guess we both have roller coaster personalities, don’t we?” I say, giving her a gentle nudge, needing an excuse to touch her.

“Roller coaster?” She chuckles.

“Up one day, down the next,” I tell her, flicking my tongue over my lip piercing.

She rolls her eyes but the corners of her mouth hike up a little. “I don’t know what I’m doing here. I came here for Jay, and then I met you guys and everything feels different.”

“Good different or bad different?”

“Good different,” she answers, her eyes shining with mischief.

“I didn’t know what to expect either when you crashed our party. I thought you were some stuck up Park Avenue, New York, bitch,” I tell her, meaning every single word.

“Some days I am,” she says, her voice all serious. “Other days I just want to scream, and I don’t know, just live.”

I lift my brows. “Live?”

“I feel so alone,” she whispers, letting her tears fall.

I drape my arm around her shoulder, and after some hesitation she melts into me. “I could really use a friend,” she says, her voice barely audible.

“I could do that,” I say, giving her a lazy smile. “I can be your friend.”

“You sure about that?”

“No problem, Shorty,” I answer a little smug.

She opens her mouth and closes it again. I want to lean forward and trace the curve of her bottom lip with my tongue to get a small taste. I hold back a groan while my hungry gaze zeroes in on her mouth.

“Don’t,” she mutters.

I hold up my free hand. “What?” I turn my head, and let my eyes burn through her.

She shifts away from me, and I let her go. “You don’t want me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Forget it,” she growls, trying to stand.

I place my hand on hers. “Don’t say that,” I tell her. “You want to talk about why you were crying?”

She gives me a small smile, shaking her head a little. “I don’t.”

Sitting back, I skim my tongue over my teeth, taking a deep breath. “If it’s Jay, we could get out of here? Do something together that makes you forget whatever is bugging you,” I say, staring at my inked hands.

“I wish,” she rasps, laying her head on her knees. “I can’t seem to figure you out.” Those chocolate colored eyes find mine, waiting for a response.

I stare blankly at her for a moment. “Goes both ways, and remember I’m a roller coaster, babe. If you want, you can ride it.”