Page 16 of X My Heart

“Need any help?” I ask.

He nods. “If you could take the salad out you would make me a happy man.”

“Sure thing.” I take the bowl from him.

His fingers skim mine. “You find the house okay?”

“I did. Thanks for being so welcoming.”

“You’re family,” he whispers, winking at me. “Planning on crashing here a couple of weeks?” he asks, washing his hands.

Staring at my beat-up All Stars, I take a deep breath. Should I be honest with him? The guy seems nice enough. “Yeah, I am.”

“Great. We could use a woman around here to change things up. I’m always the one cooking,” he says. “Fuck, that was a sexist thing to say.”

I giggle. “I’d be happy to help you. My best friend, Tim, taught me how to cook, since my mom can only make a grilled cheese sandwich.” I laugh.

“Must be a special guy,” he says, leaning against the kitchen counter.

“He is,” I show him a picture of us together on my phone.

“If he’s single let me know,” he jokes, checking out the picture. “Damn, he’s hot.”

I chuckle. “He actually is. And he’s coming to visit in a few days. I think he would love to meet you.”

“Well, count me in then.” He flashes me a shy smile, while the bad boy swaggers into the kitchen.

Hunter’s eyes dart between us. “Don’t mind me,” he says, holding up his palms, “only getting a real beer.”

“Do you think that’s wise?” Drew asks, handing me back my phone, crossing his arms. “Damn, Hunt, your eye is starting to swell. Put some ice on it.”

Hunter opens the fridge. “What are you? My Obi-Wan?” After grabbing a beer, he twists the top off and throws it in the trash. “Boom, nailed it,” the idiot says, holding the bottle against his swollen eye.

Drew shakes his head. “You need to take better care of yourself, man.”

Taking a long gulp, he burps. “Yes, mother.”

What a jackass.

“You’re a pig,” Drew says.

Hunter raises his beer in the air, and heads outside.

“See you out there?” I ask Drew, watching Hunter swigging back his drink, leaning against the porch railing. How can he be so incredibly sexy but such a dickhead? Our eyes meet, and I quickly turn my head away, before my cheeks heat even more than they already are.

Drew nods. “I’ll be right out. And I’m usually stuck in the office here, if you want to talk or hang out.” He motions to a closed door next to the living room.

“Thanks, Drew. I appreciate it,” I answer, before opening the screen door and putting on a brave face.

Jay lights the barbeque, and it doesn’t take the guys long to eat everything he puts on there. The conversation flows easily with Mac telling me about his surfing days in Hawaii, and how he came to work as head of material for my father. Drew tells me about the public relations and advertising side of the business, and how they are trying to get more kids interested in the sport.

“Tell her about the kids you’re working with,” Drew says to Hunter. I focus on the man in question, and he immediately stops staring at me like he has done all evening. The way he’s sitting in the chair, balancing on the back legs, is fitting for the whole devil-may-care attitude he has going on. Sitting back, he spreads his legs wide, the black denim straining against his thighs in the best possible way. My heart is hammering, and my mind wanders while I drink him in. He is angry, that much is clear from the way he’s grinding his jaw. He flicks open his Zippo and holds his head to the side, lighting his cigarette. Our eyes meet and he lifts up one eyebrow, it’s almost like a dare. Like he wants me to fight with him, the bastard probably gets off on it. Well I’m not giving him the satisfaction of knowing I like this back and forth we have going on. What the hell is wrong with me? I need to keep focusing on why I’m here—to mend things with Jay. I’m not interested in a stupid fling. Certainly not with a guy like Hunter.

Hunter shakes his head. “No.”

“How old are the kids?” I ask, turning to Jay who has his eyes fixed on the track.

“Huh?” he asks, not looking away from the setting sun behind the mountains.