Page 136 of X My Heart


Iknock on her bedroom door. She doesn’t answer at first. When I tap again, she says Tim’s name. Fuck, her voice sounds broken.

I push through the door. She’s lying in her bed, music softly playing in the background. “Yeah, you probably thought it was Tim, didn’t you?” I mutter, slamming the door behind me.

She eyes me suspiciously. “Why?” she asks, damn she sounds and looks so fragile.

“Oh, I don’t know,” I grumble. “Because you fucking asked him for something to kill yourself with.” I choke on my own words, slamming my palm on her bed.

She crosses her arms in front of her and looks at me with a defiant stare in her eyes. “So what?”

I almost pull my hair out of my skull, dragging an angry hand across my nose and lip piercing. I started wearing them again because Sky told me she likes them. “So what? So what, are you fucking crazy?”

“No, I’m not crazy,” she says, her voice eerily calm. “I asked him to help me end it.” Like it was nothing, like what we have between each other is nothing.

“But what if I don’t want it to end?” I growl at her. “Fuck.”

“Guess what, Hunter? It’s not up to you,” she says and coughs, turning her head away from my stare.

“I know what you’re doing. Don’t you do this to me,” I beg.

“Do what?” she says, challenging.

“My whole damn existence, I’ve been waiting for the day when everything would make sense,” I sob, catching my breath. “When someone would be there for me as I would be for them. Someone who was going to love me all the fucking way. I never believed what we have would be in the cards for me, with a past like the one I keep dragging along behind me. Do you, Sky? Do you love me?”

“Please don’t.” Her voice is small.

“I know what you did with my father, and although I’m angry, I owe you everything.”

“You owe me nothing,” she whispers, her face wet with tears.

“Fuck this shit, and fuck you.” I point a finger in her face. “Fuck you for not giving me a chance.”

“This isn’t about Tim, is it?”

“Oh, it is about so many things, Sky,” I say, pacing at the end of her bed. “Why did you go behind my back to Tim, to my father? What the hell were you thinking heading over there with all those fucking bastards?”

“I did it for you. When I’m gone, you are going to need all the love you can get, even from your dad.”

“Why did you ask Tim?” I huff out.

“I can make my own decisions.” Her eyes are full of fire.

“Not about this. Not when you ask him to end your life,” I rasp, hanging my head, gripping my knees. I bite back my tears but they fall onto the wooden floor. “Fuck that, Sky. Before you, there was nothing. I got up in the morning, collected those medals, the applause, the money. The fame, whatever that meant. But it was nothing compared to what it’s like waking up next to you, being with you. Figuring out life together. You love me all the way—don’t pretend I only get half of your heart, because that’s bullshit. You have my heart. All of it.”

She blushes and averts my gaze.

“And you know it, Sky.” My voice trembles.

“Why do you love me when you know this,” she says, motioning between us, “is not going to last?”

“Don’t you get it? There isn’t a timespan on loving someone. You know some people spend their whole lives looking for something like what we have. We have it. I don’t care if this story only lasts five minutes, fifty years or fucking five seconds. This, what we have here, right damn here, Shorty, is what’s going to help me live the rest of my days. This is what will help me get up in the morning. It’s what will help me breathe and feel the sun on my skin. This love.” I grab her face. “This love, this fucking love, baby.”

She smiles through her tears.

“This love will last forever. You have my heart. Shorty, you saved me,” I say, letting her go.

“Hunt,” she whispers.