Page 87 of X My Heart

She locks eyes with me. “Time, Hunt. I need time.” Her voice is barely a whisper.

I hold her in my arms. “I tell you I want you, and you want more time?” I chuckle, trying to make light of the situation and hide the hurt in my voice.

She coughs. It’s like she has trouble speaking.

“Did you smoke too much again?”

She shakes her head. “I …” she begins, taking a deep breath. “Not smoking,” she whispers like it takes everything she has to say those words. She feels so brittle in my arms. Her ribs poke out. Fuck, she needs to eat more.

“I’m falling for you, Shorty,” I repeat, my lips inches away from hers. I love the way she melts into me.

“I’m falling too,” she whispers. “But I’m so tired.”

I kiss the top of her head, and she hugs me.

“Why did this have to become real? Once you know the truth, you’ll hate me. Just let me hold you like this a little longer.”

I don’t know what she means, but her words hit me right in the heart. I hold her in my arms, promising myself I’m never going to let her go.

“What are you doing to me, Sky?”

She kisses the tip of my nose and I grin. “I love your freckles,” she says, sitting up. “I need to brush my teeth.” She leaves me alone on the bed. I watch her slowly move around the room. She tiptoes on unsteady feet, sometimes using the wall for support.

“You okay?” I ask. She is staring in the mirror in the bathroom. She turns to me, and her eyes are weary, “I’m okay, Hunter.”

After brushing her teeth, she turns off the light, gets into bed and lies next to me.

I pull her into me. “I hope you don’t …”

She places her hand on my cheek, running her fingers over my stubble. “Don’t what?”

“Judge me, because now you know everything about me, even my fucked up past.”

“Your past is your past.” She touches the line of my bottom lip with her thumb.

I roll my eyes. “That’s what Drew always tells me.”

“Clever guy.” A soft smile plays on her lips.

“Yeah, he is. He’s my brother.”

She closes her eyes, shifting, and drapes a leg over mine. I kiss her forehead. “I like this.”

“I like this too.” She sighs, tracing my jaw with her cold fingers. “You make me happy.”

I kiss her forehead and seconds turn into minutes. She gasps and wheezes for air.

“Fuck, Shorty,” I say grabbing her arms.

“I’m okay. Just tired,” she croaks, breathing in deep.

I stare at her face, cast in shadow thanks to the darkness of the room. “You sure?” I ask, and kiss her knuckles.

She nods, and I close my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

I wake in the middle of the night with a start. Her body is shaking hard, like she’s having a seizure. Her muscles spasm, her legs, her arms. What the fuck is happening? I flick on the lamp.

“Sky!” I try to wake her, and she shouts my name without opening her eyes.