Page 80 of X My Heart

He smiles up at me. “Thanks, Hunter.”

“Anytime, bro,” I say goodbye to them and walk to house. I need to talk with Jay about our plans for the upcoming season.

I hop onto the porch. Jay and Sky are yelling at each other. I watch them going at it through the window.

“Sky, don’t you want to go home? It’s easier to get to a hospital in New York. You need to do what’s best for you,” Jay pleads.

“I’m doing what’s best for me,” she sobs, shaking her head. “I don’t want to go back, I want to stay here with you,” she says, her voice breaking.

“I want that too, fuck I want you to stay. But we’re so off the grid here, I don’t want you getting hurt.” He sounds desperate.

She shakes her head, slamming her fist on the table. “Stop it, Jay. Just let us enjoy our time together.”

He holds onto the kitchen counter, hanging his head. “And what about Hunt?”

She stands, walking to the sink, grabbing a glass of water, and turning her back to him.

“What about Hunter?” Sky asks, no emotion in her voice.

“Don’t be so goddamned selfish. You can’t do this to him, you need to tell him what’s going on,” he snaps.

“Jay, there is nothing going on. You, of all people, are actually lecturing me on selfishness?” She slams the glass in the sink and it breaks.

I take a step away from the window. What the fuck? What are they talking about?

“I heard you coming in early this morning, so don’t start with me,” Jay tells her.

“It means nothing,” she murmurs.

“Means nothing? What the fuck?” I mutter, turning around and storming off the porch. I need to get out of here. I head to the garage, start my bike, and get as far away from her as I possibly can.

Fuck her.