Page 60 of X My Heart

“I’m not looking for anything serious right now,” she tells me, her voice a little shaky.

“Me neither,” I counter, not meaning either word.

“Okay good, friends then,” she says, holding out her hand for me to shake. When our palms touch, I have to run my tongue over my lip-piercing, flicking it back and forth so my dick doesn’t burst out of my pants.

“What did you want my help with?” I ask, trying to wipe the sweat from my fingers on the front of my jeans.

“Well, with Jay holed up inside with the accountant going over his books, and Drew busy with the kids, and Tim coming over later, I hoped you could maybe take me to the mall,” she says, running her tongue over her lip and I have to stifle a groan.

“What do you need there?” I bark out.

She cocks her head, and those big brown eyes find mine. I need to take a deep breath to get myself together.

“None of your business,” Sky says, her lips twitching a little, scanning the garage, while she pushes her hands in the pockets of her jeans. “You got some new bikes?”

“Some are, others Mac and I built from spare parts,” I say, grinding my teeth together. Her fingers skim the workbenches and then over my dirt bike. I need to get out of here. The way her hand glides over the frame of my bike twists me in knots. Like her fingers are actually trailing a path over my dick.

“So, can you take me or what?” She smiles up at me.

“Why?” I really should swallow my tongue. Her voice brings me back to the present.

“Because I hate to drive a big truck right now.” She flexes her fingers again.

“If you have trouble shifting or something you can take your dad’s car,” I grumble.

She bites her lip again, hesitating a second before answering, “I don’t trust myself when I’m this tired.”

I don’t think this is such a good idea, after last night and the way her mouth tasted. Locking eyes, I say, “Sure, whatever. Will it take long?” I avert my intense stare, and focus all my attention on my boots.

“No, probably not,” she murmurs. “I have to go to the pharmacy.”

“Okay, but I’ll have to be home around eight because I have something to do.”

“Shouldn’t take more than an hour.” A beautiful, bright smile warms her face. “Let me get my bag and then I’ll be right back. Thanks, Hunter, for doing this.”

She turns around and walks into the house and I can’t take my eyes off her perky ass. I shift from one foot to the other, adjusting my jeans. Sky gets to me; I like talking to her, and damn she’s beautiful. Fuck, Jay is getting into my head, but what is wrong with doing a friend a favor?

She regrets our kiss, and the sex didn’t mean anything.

End of story.

I run my tongue over my lip piercing before I scrub both hands over my face. I really need to wake up. Maybe it would be better to treat her like the asshole I am. I can’t put my relationship with Jay on the line, or my training.

I groan, thinking about the way she tasted, how she cried my name as she came, and her little intake of breath when my lips touched hers.

Fuck, this friends thing is going to be harder than I thought.


Straightening my shoulders, I fix my beach hair and walk up to him, head held high. What’s wrong with being friends with the guy? He’s a great listener, and most importantly he gets my state of mind without even knowing he’s doing it, with or without his dick.

Grinning I say, “Looking good.” Checking out his firm ass straining against his black jeans, then up at his dirt bike.

He drops the wrench on his foot. “Motherf…”

Trying not to laugh, I ask, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” he bites out as he grimaces, his face turning red. Throwing the wrench in a toolbox, he shakes his head and narrows his eyes at me. Immediately, dark locks of hair fall in front of his eyes. We stare at each other, and smile at the same time.