Page 54 of X My Heart

He nods, not saying anything for a while as we watch Hunter make his way down the starting hill and the track while Jay screams pointers at him.

“Hunter looks great out there.”

“He does, doesn’t he?” he answers. “He’s beautiful.”

I give him a look, and can’t help but grin.

He nudges me in the shoulder. “Not like that. Don’t get me wrong, I have thought about it, the boy’s hot as hell. Everyone should get a man like Hunter once in their lives, but I guess you already did?”

“You mean with tats and all?” I say, my cheeks heating.

“That too.” He smiles. “Someone who will love you no matter what. Be careful with him, Sky. He might act tough but his heart isn’t.”

Hunter makes his way over the hills. He turns a corner, and stops in front of Jay again. They both crouch next to the bike.

“What do you mean?” I ask, my voice low.

“I think you know. He doesn’t often take a girl to the beach, and buy her dinner, or take her to his favorite diner. Let alone have an actual conversation with her. I’ve lived with the guy for almost ten years; he doesn’t let people in easily. I don’t know what happened with you two last night, but be careful.”

My cheeks heat even more thinking about the way he kissed me, made me come.

“He likes you, Sky, even if you don’t like him that way,” he states, as I bring my wandering thoughts back to the present.

“I like Hunter, but I can’t get involved with him.” My voice is barely a whisper.

“Friends can have fun together,” he tells me, winking. He drapes his arm over my shoulder, and hugs me tight to his chest. “Jay told me he’s happy you’re here.”

I snort. “I hope so. We talked yesterday, but we still have so many things left to say.”

“Give him time. He’s a grumpy old bastard, but he loves you and has missed you these last couple of years.”

“I missed him too,” I confess, looking at my father. “I want him to know that.”

Nausea hits, and I put my hand to my stomach, breathing out hard through my nose.

Drew lets me go. “You okay?”

“I don’t know.”

“You look kind of pale. Do you want some water?”

I grab the iron bench for support, closing my eyes for a couple of seconds, hoping the urge to vomit will subside.

“I’m going to be sick,” I whisper. Scrambling to get up, Drew follows me to the side of the bleachers. He lays his hand on my shoulder, holding my hair back while I brace myself over the garbage can and vomit, my body heaving every couple of seconds. After what seems like forever, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Here you go,” Drew says, handing me his bottle of water.

“Thanks,” I rasp, and take a small sip. The wind picks up, and a shiver runs through me. I’m sweating like crazy.

“What’s going on?” Hunter asks, walking up to us.

“I’m okay,” I reply, rinsing my mouth with water.

He locks eyes with me. “You don’t look okay,” he says, the crease between his eyebrows deepening.

“I’ll be fine,” I tell Hunter, my voice still hoarse.

Jay is right on his tail. “You okay, baby girl?” he asks concerned.