Page 139 of X My Heart

“Drew,” she says, while he takes her into his arms.

“Come on. I got you.” Timothy has already gotten her wheelchair out of the truck bed. Drew places her carefully in the chair and together they pick her up, and carry her to the beach.

I can smell the burning embers in the air from the fire, and everywhere around us are friendly faces. Some people are in the water, surfing.

I follow Tim and Drew along the sand. Drew softly places Sky on a large blanket. Even her mother, stepfather, and little brother, Stevie, are here.

“What is this?” I ask, and say hello to a few racing friends as they pass by.

“A little get-together me and Tim organized.” Drew beams.

Sky smiles up at him. “I love it.”

Her mother hugs her and sits next to Sky, kissing her hair. Jay and Conrad laugh while Jay motions to the guys already catching a wave. Tim helps me get the boards out of the truck. He slaps me reassuringly on my shoulder and we both smile through our tears. Jay and Marian have spread a blanket next to Sky to sit on.

Tim bumps fists with me, winking. “See you in the water?”

“Yeah.” I smile, glancing at Sky who’s wearing one of my black sweaters, and her favorite black skinny jeans with boots. She looks paler than normal, her hair flowing in the breeze.

After I catch up with a couple of friends, I head over to my father who introduces me to Debra, his new wife. We chat for a while before I plant my ass in the sand next to Sky. People stop and talk to her or sit for a while. She smiles and listens, sometimes laughing out loud. Even May and Clay from the diner come by. Sky has trouble speaking. Funny how the disease works; some people first lose all their motor function, their speech or the movement in their hands and legs. For each patient ALS works in its own way, this fucking disease.

Lydia and Ryan talk to Sky, and I spend some time with Chelsea.

“I’m going into the ocean,” I tell Sky, kissing her forehead, I grab my board and make my way across the sand. The water is cold, but soothing. From the surf, I spot my father talking to Sky. She nods and smiles. After a while, Ryan walks up to Jay and takes his seat next to him.

After a flat period, I catch a wave in and walk back up the shore. I clear my throat and set my board next to them, wiping the water out of my eyes.

“Hey, man,” I say, tossing my wet hair out of my face. I haven’t bothered to cut it these last few weeks; I’ve only shaved the side. Sky likes it like this so I keep it long.

Ryan stands and shakes my hand.

“Have you talked to Jay already?” I ask him.

“Talked to me about what?” Jay chimes in, eyeing Ryan.

Ryan swallows. “I wanted to ask if I could race for you?”

Jay’s eyes shine as he checks him out, the side of his mouth twitching. “Have you got what it takes?”

“Yes, sir,” Ryan answers, standing tall.

Jay laughs. “Wanna grab a beer and talk about it?”

“I would love to.” Ryan beams. Lydia says goodbye to Sky, and I kiss my girl’s lips, making myself comfortable next to her. I ask her many times if she wants to leave. Each time, she shakes her head and takes it all in.

Cody, one of the kids from BMX training, calls me and I wave at him. He has his board tucked under his arm. Quinn claps, standing near the waterline. “That was awesome, honey,” she hollers.

“Mom,” he groans, rolling his eyes, and I chuckle.

Grinning, she winks at me. Quinn’s smile grows even more when she sees Sky sitting by my side.

“Hey, Hunt,” Cody says, running up to me all excited. “Want to catch a wave?”

I turn to Sky, she nods and gives me her beautiful smile. She turns that same one to Cody and I see him puff out his chest, trying to appear bigger than he is. Sky’s grin gets even bigger and Quinn laughs.

“Sure, why not buddy.”
