Page 127 of X My Heart

“Devil’s Sons,” Ryan says.

I turn around to see him right in front of me. How long has he been standing there?

I clear my throat. “Damn,” I swear, brushing both my hands through my hair. Zombie paid Neil off—my fucking father. How did he know? Fucking Jay. Ishake my head.

“Is that why the younger guys are always looking for a way out, Neil?” Ryan asks.

Neil gazes from me to Ryan, his eyes narrowing.

“Have you made them sign the same fucked up contracts as me? Making them dependent on you, although they wanted to leave and race for Jay?” Ryan shouts.

I turn to Ryan, wiping the sweat from my brow.

“Neil told me you were the one who fucked with my bike when I crashed it in Florida all those years ago. Or was that also a lie, Neil?” Ryan says.

“I did what?” I roar.

Neil raises his arms in front of him as I take an angry step toward him. “Fuck you, Neil. I would never put another rider in danger,” I tell Ryan.

He looks at Neil, his eyes full of hate.

“Come on, guys. It’s all good. You’re one of the best; I made you.” Neil’s voice rises an octave higher.

Ryan shakes his head. “You didn’t make me, and how much have you been skimming from me? From the other guys?”

“I-I-I h-haven’t,” Neil stammers.

Grabbing him by his shirt, I raise him up against the wall. “How much?”

“Something here and there,” he says, his voice a high pitch.

I let him go and he falls against the door. Turning around, I shake my head. My fingers itch to take a swing at him.

“Guys,” Neil pleads.

“This is it, Neil. I’m out. Once the others hear about this you will have no one left to race for you,” Ryan seethes.

“Come on, Ryan. He’s not worth it.”

He nods, walking away with me.

“If it wasn’t for me, neither of you would have raced as well as you did,” Neil shouts desperately.

“Fuck you,” Ryan spits out. Lydia is already waiting for him by the door.

“We have a contract,” Neil yells, coming after us.

“Not anymore. Not when I tell my lawyer everything. Don’t think you’re the only one with dirt up his sleeve,” Ryan says, smiling at me. “Ready to leave?” he asks Lydia.

“Ready when you are, honey,” she says, kissing his cheek.

When we are outside, I get on my bike. Before I put my helmet on, Ryan walks up to me. Lydia smiles. I nod and she gets into Ryan’s car.

“Hunt,” he says, focusing on the ground, then on me. “I need to apologize about ratting you out to Drew and Jay. And I’m so sorry about what is happening to Sky.”

I shake my head. “I don’t blame you for telling him. I’m glad you did and this blew up in my face. I should have never signed with a piece of shit like Neil. And I’m sorry for never taking the time to talk it out with you,” I say, shaking his hand.

“You think Jay would be open to taking on another asshole?” Ryan asks.

“Don’t know why he wouldn’t be.” I wink.

“You have no problem with me beating you even if we’re on the same team?” He grins, putting his hands in his back pockets.

“Don’t push your luck, I still have the last race of the season to kick your ass,” I drawl. “After that I’m done. We had a good run.”

“I know we did, but are you sure?”

I nod, and he smiles like some sort of understanding passes between us. He turns and walks to his car, taps his fist on the hood and says, “Later, Hunt.”

“Later, Ryan.” I nod, putting my helmet on and driving away. I need to make one more stop before I find my way back home, back to her.