Page 124 of X My Heart

Two weeks later


I’m angry as hell. Doesn’t help I started drinking tequila when the sun rose. I strut up the porch steps, trying to walk in a straight line. Jay and Marian, the nurse her stepfather Conrad hired a week ago to take care of Sky, smile while they drink their coffees. Jay looks different with his trimmed beard and his long hair brushed behind his ears. He has been taking care of himself since Marian came along.

“Jay, can I talk to you?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Sure, son. Take a seat,” he replies, giving me curious eyes. Dude can probably smell the fucking booze on me. Marian stands, placing her hand on his shoulder. Jay covers it with his own, and squeezes affectionately. “I have some dishes to do.”

“No,” I reply, shaking my head and swaying a little before I grab the table for support. “This concerns you as well.”

“Okay,” she says hesitantly, sitting again.

“I need …” I begin, the lump in my throat slowly choking me. Grinding my teeth together, I focus. I need to say this. “I want to take care of her,” I plead with both of them.

Jay’s jaw twitches. “She needs real medical attention, Hunt. Not some drunken asshole.”

“I need to be the one to take care of her,” I tell him again.

“Son, what you are doing is more than enough,” Jay says. “You have so much on your plate.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I frown.

Jay brushes both his hands across his beard while he leans against the wooden railing. His eyes are sad. “First, we need to talk. I knew something was going on when Drew told me about your run-in with Neil, and I put two and two together. I know you owe him money. I’ve even talked to Oliver about it.”


“You think I don’t know what goes on under my roof?” he says. “I’m not stupid.”

I cringe, crossing my arms. “It’s none of your damn business, and what about Oliver?” I ask him angrily. “What has this got to do with me wanting to take care of Sky?”

Jay stares out to the track. “You have always run away when things have gotten hard or ugly. You need to face your past before you can focus on your future.”

“I know what we, what I’m facing,” I slur. I can barely look at him.

“Oh yeah? You do?” he asks, his voice hard.

“Yes. She is going to die and she’s going to leave me alone. Leave me alone, like I always have been left in my life.”

Jay grabs my arms, shaking me. “Yes, she is going to die, and yes, she is going to leave you, but I need you to be strong, kid.”

“No.” I shake my head from left to right. He lets go of my arms. “Don’t talk about what is going to happen or my father. What do you know about him?”

“More than you know,” he grumbles, his eyes glazing over.

I brush both my hands across my face, fighting against my tears.

“Oliver knows everything, Hunter.”

“What?” I growl through clenched teeth, sobering up a little. “Come again?”

“I’ve been keeping your father in the loop,” he says.

Tears blur my vision. I cover my ears with my trembling hands. Promising myself not to cry. “I don’t believe you.”

“You need to reach out, son.” His voice is soft.

“I can’t,” I return.