Page 113 of X My Heart

I lift up her chin to make her look me in the eyes. “Don’t you get it by now? I thought I didn’t need anyone. I closed my heart for years. I barely let Drew, Jay and Mac in. You tore down my goddamn walls with a bulldozer. You remember the flat tire?”

She nods in response.

“The way you took my hand when I caressed your cheek? That was it for me, babe. I tried to believe in the friend angle for you, but I couldn’t stay away and when you wanted to hang out, and I got to know the person you are, the bricks came tumbling down. When we fucked in the truck and kissed at the bar my previous life disappeared and I saw a future I thought I never could have had,” I tell her, my voice a little unsteady.

“I won’t be there with you,” she rasps.

“Shorty, you’ll be with me wherever I go. You changed me. You made me see what I was missing.”

“What?” she asks. The small hospital bed creaks as I lean forward and kiss the side of her mouth. I drape my arm over her tiny waist and pull her into my chest, my breath mingles with hers and she smiles.

“A love that’s layered, babe. Violent and dirty,” I tell her, running my thumb over her bottom lip. “A love that makes you feel alive. I’m alive because of you. I know how much you’re hurting. I know you’re tired, and it’s okay. I’m right here.” I whisper with dread in my voice.

“I’m sorry.” Tears stream over her cheeks onto the pillow.

“For what?” I ask, softly stroking her forehead with my thumb.

“For letting you go,” she breathes.

“Babe, you didn’t. I don’t remember the man I wanted to be before you came into my life. I love you, Shorty. Promise me you’ll hold on a little while longer,” I husk out, kissing her cheek.

“I love you,” she whispers, not saying anything more. We keep looking into each other’s eyes, and I hold her while she sobs into my chest.


The next day, I go to Jay’s house, my new home. After some debating, Jay is okay with me staying in Hunter’s apartment.

Mom visits with Conrad for the first week. We talk for hours. I love and cherish every minute of it.

Someone knocks on my door. I open my eyes and Hunter is standing in the doorway next to Stevie. “Do you have time for one more visitor?”

“Always,” I tell him, holding out my hands for my little brother to come to me. “Wanna get into the bed?” I ask, raising the covers. He jumps in next to me while Hunter puts on another record—Pink Floyd this time. Our eyes meet. “I’ll come by later to get him, all right?”

“Okay,” I whisper.

Hunt taps his fingers on the doorway. We are quiet for a while, a promise of love in his gaze as we keep our eyes locked on each other.

“Are you sick, Sky?” Stevie asks, his tiny hand caressing my forehead. His eyes are so big and scared.

I put my arm around his small shoulders. I nod. “Yes, I am.”

He is quiet for a moment. His mouth trembles. “Are you going to die?”

I close my eyes, and when I open them Hunter is still staring at me. He looks broken.

“Are you, Sky?” Stevie clutches my hands in his.

I kiss his forehead. “I am, buddy.”

Hunter hangs his head and leaves me alone with Stevie.

“That sucks,” Stevie says after a while. I start to laugh, and he grins. I kiss his forehead. He puts his little arms around me and hugs me tight.

“It really does,” I whisper.

For the next hour, we talk about the extra science classes he’s taking after school. He shows me a book about space and explains why he wants to become an astronaut. Stevie falls asleep in my arms. Mom walks into the room after a while and gives me a reassuring smile.

“Was he good?” she asks, trying to sound strong but her voice trembles when she takes my hand. “I missed you, baby.”